Rick Toren


One of the misperceptions about entrepreneurs is that they are inventors of things. It’s not that this is never true, it’s just that the ability to invent things does not an entrepreneur make.

While in his long list of contributions to the world Rick Toren is credited with creating the EpiPen, it’s not what he uses to identify himself nor what anyone else should either. Despite the enormous value of the “thing” he created, it is his rare capacity to see a true need and see into the heart of the problem that allows him to envision solutions that actually move us all forward. As important, he knows that he can’t bring lasting change and lasting value alone.

Video Interviews

What simple lessons that you teach kids in the classroom are the ones that as adults pursuing entrepreneurial dreams we forget to our detriment?

If you want to know an answer, you have to ask. Here’s Rick’s answers.

We’re all pretty good (even if not realistic) about thinking about the upside of creating something new and better.

But what about the hard parts before you succeed?

Rick talks about what’s most difficult in pursuing an entrepreneurial vision.

1. Teaching Entrepreneurship

2. What’s Most Difficult

3. The Biggest Reward

4. Building on Success

5. The Limits of E-ial Thinking

As much as there are hurdles, when you actually succeed the impact and reward can go far beyond your biggest dreams.

Rick talks about what that looks like in this video clip.

So you did well, you scored a victory, you were rewarded. Now what?

Sometimes what you do with a success - or who you share it with - matters most.

Once you get charged up about it, you could start to think that entrepreneurial thinking is without limits.

What can’t it solve?

6. Gaining Support

What’s the first thing Rick tells anyone to sell them on his vision?

Well? Go ahead! Click on the link and find out!

8. Riding the E-ship Roller Coaster

The title says it all.

7. How Do You Look at Things?

Rick Toren is often described (or as he puts it, ‘accused’) of being a great “thin slicer.”

What exactly does that mean and what does it tell us about how he looks at the world?

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9. Taking a Personal Inventory

Every good venture is comprised of assets and liabilities. Knowing where they stand for you venture is vital.

Knowing where you stand relative to your own, personal assets and liabilities is the difference between success and no impact, and happiness and ‘something’s missing.’