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Front Page
The land by the river
Historical highlights
The end of The New Kingdom
The tomb and the mythology
Beliefs about life and death
The myths converge
Coffins and sarcophagi
The tomb
The funeral ritual and the cult of death
Myth reflected in ritual
Animal mummies
The priestly cache in Deir el-Bahri
The necropolis in Thebes
The west bank of Thebes in modern times
The great discovery
Coffins from the 21st Dynasti
But how did they end up here?
Conservation of the mummy «Nofret»
A woman, 40-55 years old
Ethical concerns
Gods and goddesses in Ancient Egypt
Recommended reading
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«Death is before me today
(Like) a sick man’s recovery,
Like going outside after confinement.

Death is before me today
Like the scent of myrrh,
Like sitting under a sail on breezy day.

Death is before me today
Like the scent of lotus,
Like sitting on the shore of drunkenness.

Death is before me today
Like a well-trodden way,
Like a man’s coming home from warfare.

Death is before me today
Like the clearing of the sky,
As when a man discovers what he ignored.

Death is to me today
Like a man’s longing to see his home,
When he has spent many years in captivity.»


From «Dispute between a Man and His Ba», written in the Middle Kingdom. Translated by Miriam Lichtheim in Ancient Egyptian Literature, vol. I. University of California Press 1975.

1. Lotus wig-decoration from coffin C47713. From the 21st Dynasty (ca 1069–945 BC) Photo: Ann Christine Eek

Universitetets kulturhistoriske museer / U K M
Redaksjon: Utstillings- og publikumsseksjonen
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