Life Update 2021.02.08

Three things today:

1. I’m way behind on correspondence.  This is mostly my fault, but this also happened recently: My PO Box got shut down! Happily, it is re-opened.  Please don’t cancel any checks unless it got returned to you already. In that case, you can either cancel it or send it again to my PO Box on that same donate page.  But it’s probably safer to donate online in the future on that same donate page since I don’t know when or if my PO Box will get shut down again.  For letters or donations or emails that I have already received, please know that I’m really sorry that I’m so far behind.  I know you’ve heard this before from me, but I really am trying to pray several hours a day as a hermit.

2. Two unexpected diversions to my normal life of prayer was when a) a Catholic filmmaker invited several of us priests out for a super-charging retreat to his place in California…

…and b) after a wedding in Dallas I got to spend a morning (and later) an evening with Dr. Taylor Marshall:


3. Please note that my continued goal on podcasting and writing is:

  • Monday:  Podcast
  • Tuesday:  Blog
  • Wednesday:  Podcast
  • Thursday:  Blog
  • Friday: Podcast