Aladin previewer


B&W; Color

12 22 0.8 28 25 52
RGB composition

Target coordinates (J2000):
RA: 12 22 0.8
Dec: +28 25 52

Available images:

en français...

Aladin previewer
allows you to get images of any astronomical fields
from the Aladin image server at CDS (Strasbourg - France)

These images are issued from several surveys (POSI, POSII, SERC, ESO,2MASS,DENIS).
Images issue from photographic plates
have been digitalized either by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)
and/or by the Centre d'Analyse des Images (CAI/MAMA)

For Aladin previewer,
these images have been compressed in JPEG format (<30Kb).
You can also get them in FITS.

If you want to work on images
with a more powerful tool
the CDS provides an Aladin JAVA interface.