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BEST VOCALIST (FEMALE) Minneapolis 2010 - Maggie Morrison

The songs of electro duo Lookbook often glance to the digital past, but Maggie Morrison's pitch-perfect, brazenly unaffected singing instrument is perhaps their most well-selected keepsake from the glory days of the discotheque. Live or on record, Morrison never slumps, never slides, never half-asses a single note. Like an Annie Lennox sans buzz cut, Morrison has a voice that manages to be forcefully intimate, as if emanating from some phantom space between your ears, and unseeably remote. Something in Morrison's live delivery may account for this—she has as little use for meaningless mannerisms as she does for tremolo. As chillingly immaculate as a sine wave, Morrison and her voice have an inhuman perfection to them. Fortunately for her, and for us, Voight-Kampf tests are still a distant fiction. If she's a replicant, we won't raise a peep.

City Pages presents: Best Female Vocalist produced by MPLS.TV and Dan Huiting.

My Voice Nation Help

Are you serious, Citypages?


Is this a joke? This chick was voted best female vocalist in 2009? All I hear is whining, screeching, and occasional vibrato. C'mon people! There are soo many great vocalists and I cannot even believe this chick was included in the nominations for this category.


waou that a nice voice for sure.I'd like to hear from you and if you are interested in writing article or broadcast yourself within a guitar/music dedicated platform then please check this out Guitars Matrixand post your feedback, thanks


Lookbook is pretty cool overall but calling Maggie Morrison's voice "pitch-perfect" and "unaffected" is both naive and an insult to a lot of truly talented and hardworking singers in this town.


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