Sean undefined  


Software Engineer. 👨‍💻 Building engaged, collaborative and happy product teams. 🌟

Melbourne, Australia
Joined July 2010


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    25 May 2020

    Chunk Dungus wasn't impressed with his dinner.

  2. Mar 25

    Not sure what they were laughing about, but glad they're enjoying themselves.

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  3. Mar 25

    Waking up to kookaburra's laughing this morning. 🥰

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  4. Mar 15

    Rome wasn't built in a sprint.

  5. Mar 12

    FWIW, I'm a Front-end Engineer with ~12 yrs exp, the last ~5.5 spent leading and mentoring teams, and building complex HR applications with React. I care deeply about team productivity, and improving business workflows. 🙌 (5/5)

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  6. Mar 12

    At this stage I have no other work lined up, and my intention is to take whatever time that is needed to rest, recover and reset. However if you feel there's a great opportunity for us to work together I'd be happy to chat at some point later on. 🤞 (4/5)

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  7. Mar 12

    Eventually we arrive at cross roads in our lives that require tremendous strength and resilience. I'm choosing to channel my energy toward a period of time that can be as restful, healing and supportive as possible for my family, when they need it most. (3/5)

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  8. Mar 12

    I've been back and forth on what details I share on here, as I don't often speak with depth about my personal life in a public forum. I'm also conscious of unintentionally upsetting others who may have gone through similar circumstances. (2/5)

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  9. Mar 12

    Hi 👋I'll be unemployed as of the 22nd of March. I'm taking some time off to be with family after a challenging couple of years (Thread) (1/5)

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  10. Mar 12
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  11. Mar 12

    A reverse image search on Tineye returned 30 results, with variations on the template from Austrian, to Russian, Portugese and more. Tineye won't have found everything, of course, but it's a very surreal way to start the weekend.

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  12. Mar 12

    TIL there is a photo of me, my cat and dog from 2016 that has been resurfacing as meme content around Europe social media sites since it was first taken 😅 My wife woke me up after finding it in her Reddit feed, obviously a little shocked, and wondering how it got there.

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  13. Mar 4
  14. Feb 28

    Subject lines with threatening auras.

  15. Feb 27

    vec3 p;for(float i,g,R,S=3./PI,e=S;i++<50.;g+=e=(length(p)-.5)*R*.5)p=vec3((FC.xy-.5*r)/r.y*g,g-1.),p.yz*=rotate2D(4.),R=length(p.xy),p.y=atan(p.y,p.x),p.x=log(R),p.xy=fract(p.xy*S-t*.5+p.x)-.5,p.z/=R;p=normalize(p+snoise3D(p*5.)*.1);o.rgb=hsv(p.x*.3+.3,.4,p.z*.5);

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  16. Feb 26

    Grabbing fish and chips - Get on our level.

  17. Feb 20
  18. Feb 13

    Have you seen what Max has cooked up?😍 I spun off an early version of react-boilerplate for most of what I've built the last 5 years, and I can tell you Max makes well-informed decisions, and engages well with his community. Worth jumping in on this one. 👀

  19. Feb 11

    What's your favourite productivity hack? Everyone has their own way of working and getting things done. I'm keen to hear yours! 🙌✨

  20. Feb 10

    Designed a new time travel bar for the Illustrated RxJS platform ⏳⌛️✨ This is how you visualize RxJS operators over time:

  21. Feb 8

    First time in vim be like


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