Welcome to Oxyaena's Homepage! A small website that mostly serves as a sign post that I am here on the web, and to serve as a personal storing place for a few things I've written, along with a directory to where else you can find me on the web.

First thing's first, you can find my blog here, wherein I occasionally write about science, bullshit, religion, and whatever else touches my fancy.

You can find my DeviantArt here.

Oxyaena's Poetry Corner

A Purposeless Universe

Response to a Creationist's Claptrap from Talk.Origins

More stupidity from talk.origins

On Religious Hubris

More folly from talk.origins

Adventures in Coding (a semi-frequently updated blog on my forays into coding)

Statism and Ableism

A review of "A Theological Argument for Evolution"

Paleontology Archive

Copyright Oxyaena 2018-2021.