Scholarships and Support Programmes

As well as financial support from the German Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG), students in Germany can also receive financial help from a number of grants and foundations which receive public funding. Furthermore Heidelberg University supports outstanding students and young scientists through a variety of scholarships and support programmes. There are special ones for different phases of study and continuing education.

Additional Support Provided by the State

In certain cases, students may receive grants in accordance with the Employment Promotion Act (Arbeitsförderungsgesetz), the Federal Law on War Pensions (Bundesversorgungsgesetz), the German Restitution Laws (Bundesentschädigungsgesetz) and the law on the reintegration of prisoners of war (Heimkehrergesetz). Please get in touch with the relevant authorities.

Grants in Specific Subject Areas

A number of institutes and faculties offer grants or subsidies for students in particular subject areas and which are partially reserved for the promotion of certain projects. Information is available from the relevant institutes.