GUIDONIA, Italy — Emanuele Tedeschi wiped sawdust from his hands and gestured around the cavernous woodworking factory that has been in his family for two generations. The big machines, which used to run overtime carving custom furnishings for private homes, Roman palazzi and even the Vatican, sat idle on a shop floor nearly devoid of workers.
意大利圭多尼亞——埃馬努埃萊·泰代斯基(Emanuele Tedeschi)擦去了手上的木屑,揮手展示着其家族已經營了兩代的巨大的木材加工廠。龐大的機器閑置在車間里,幾乎沒有工人。而在過去,這些機器加班運轉,為私人家庭、羅馬宮殿、甚至是梵蒂岡生產定製的傢具。
“A year and a half ago, the noise from production was so loud that you had to shout to be heard,” said Mr. Tedeschi, walking amid pallets of cherry and other fine woods stacked up and waiting for a purpose.
Since a government austerity plan took hold last year, the Italian economy has tumbled into one of the worst recessions of any euro zone country. Mr. Tedeschi’s orders have all but dried up. 
His company, Temeca, is still in business, but barely.
But among Italy's estimated 6 million companies, businesses of all sizes have been going belly up at the rate of 1,000 a day over the last year, especially among the small and midsize companies that represent the backbone of Italy’s $2 trillion economy.
Economists worry that the pace of business closings may accelerate as long as the country lacks a functioning government. Although the technocratic prime minister Mario Monti was ousted by austerity-weary voters, the currently gridlocked Parliament seems unlikely to pass growth-enhancing policies anytime soon.
經濟學家擔心,只要該國還沒有一個正常運作的政府,企業關閉的速度就可能會加快。儘管深受緊縮之苦的選民們把技術官僚出身的總理馬里奧·蒙蒂(Mario Monti)趕下了台,但目前深陷僵局的議會似乎也不太可能很快出台促進增長的政策。
“With no one governing the country, there will be more paralysis, so things will get worse,” said Mr. Tedeschi, 49, casting a worried glance at his wife and their 23-year-old son. They help fill the trickle of orders, now that Mr. Tedeschi has had to lay off six of the 11 full-time employees he had in mid-2011.
A new caretaker government, which could be installed in weeks, is unlikely to be strong enough to pass growth-enhancing reforms, deepening problems for Italy, and for Europe, that could take years to reverse.
“This underscores the likelihood of Italy having a Japan-like decade with phenomenally slow growth,” said Kenneth S. Rogoff, a professor at Harvard and a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund. “And it raises painful questions about the long-run stability of growth in the euro zone over all.”
“這凸顯了這樣一種可能性,即意大利會像日本那樣經歷增長異常緩慢的10年,”哈佛大學教授、國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund)前首席經濟學家肯尼思·S·羅格夫(Kenneth S. Rogoff)說。“這對整個歐元區增長的長期穩定性提出了令人痛苦的質疑。”
Last year, nearly 365,000 businesses failed. One in 2 small firms cannot pay their employees on time, according to CGIA di Mestre, a research institute.
去年,大約有36.5萬家企業破產。根據研究機構CGIA di Mestre的數據,小規模公司中有一半不能按時支付員工工資。
With layoffs surging, unemployment hit a record 11.7 percent in January. Youth unemployment has jumped to 38.7 percent. And while Italians are big savers, a recent study by the Bank of Italy showed that more than 60 percent now worry that their income is no longer enough to cover their needs.
隨着裁員激增,失業率在1月創下了11.7%的最高記錄。年輕人的失業率飆升至38.7%。儘管意大利人的儲蓄率很高,意大利銀行(Bank of Italy)最近的一項研究表明,如今有超過60%的民眾擔心他們的收入不再能保障生活所需。
Without growth, Italy will have a harder time paying down its 2 trillion euro pile of debt, equal to 127 percent of economic output, one of the largest debt burdens in the eurozone. And while no one right now is talking about the need for an Italian bailout or a default on that staggering debt, on Friday the ratings agency Fitch cut Italy's sovereign credit rating by a notch, citing the risk that prolonged political uncertainty could further erode growth and the nation's finances.
沒有經濟增長,意大利在償還2萬億歐元(約合16萬億元人民幣)的債務時就會更加艱難,2萬億歐元相當於該國經濟產出的127%,是歐元區數額最大的債務之一。儘管如今還沒人談論需要援助意大利或這筆巨額債務可能違約,但評級機構惠譽(Fitch Ratings)周五把意大利的主權信用評級降了一級,稱對政局的長期不確定可能會進一步侵蝕該國的經濟增長和財政情況。
A new caretaker government may soon be necessary because the anti-establishment Five Star movement, led by the comedian-turned-activist Beppe Grillo, has ruled out any government-forming political alliances since his party won a quarter of the vote. But any new leader would probably fare no better than Monti at carrying out reforms needed to spur the economy.
意大利可能很快就需要一個看守政府,這是因為,由貝佩·格里洛(Beppe Grillo)領導的、反正統的政治團體五星運動(Five Star Movement)贏得了四分之一的選票,這排除了通過政治聯盟來組建政府的可能性。格里洛由喜劇演員轉變為活動人士。不過,在開展刺激經濟所需的改革上,任何一位新領袖的表現可能也不會比蒙蒂好。
  In some respects, Italy is not as hobbled as some other euro countries. It has an enviable primary surplus, a measure of the economy without counting debt payments, of 2.5 percent of gross domestic product.
And the Italian government made progress in shrinking the budget deficit, which had been 4 percent in 2011, to 2.3 percent last year. That is under the 3 percent threshold that eurozone members are supposed to stay below, but few do. Industrial icons like Ferrari and Benetton and Ducati continue to help Italy maintain the eurozone's second-largest manufacturing base after Germany.
But it is businesses like Mr. Tedeschi’s — ones with fewer than 50 workers, which constitute the vast majority of Italy’s economy and long provided much of its vitality — that are buckling as banks halt lending and taxes rise. Credit issued by Italian banks fell in 2012 to the lowest level in more than a decade. And the government owes an estimated 70 billion euros in unpaid bills for goods and services to Italian companies.
Mr. Tedeschi started feeling the pinch in late 2011 at his factory in Guidonia, an industrial town north of Rome in Lazio, a sprawling region that is in many ways a microcosm of Italy itself.
Here, amid low-lying mountains and rolling green hills, are many midsize factories specializing in products stamped “Made in Italy.” But hundreds of those businesses have been shut lately.
“In one and a half years, everything changed,” Mr. Tedeschi said. “People started feeling afraid, and they stopped spending money. All the promises Monti made to relaunch the economy and help us enhance productivity never materialized.”
Orders for Temeca’s custom-built bedrooms, kitchens, windows and doors slowed to a trickle. Even the Vatican, which commissioned a choir stand and furnishings for one of its palaces from Mr. Tedeschi’s company, stopped placing orders last year.
Recently, he took a step he had hoped never to have to make: laying off employees, including a man who had been with the company for more than 30 years.
“When I had to fire those people, I cried,” he said, sitting in his small office under a picture of Mother Teresa as his wife, Annarita Neroni, and his son, Lorenzo, looked on. Mr. Tedeschi said several members of a local trade group took their own lives last year when they could no longer maintain their business.
“當我不得不解僱這些人時,我哭了,”他坐在他的小辦公室里說,他的上方是特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa)的照片,他的妻子安娜麗塔·內羅尼(Annarita Neroni)和兒子洛倫佐(Lorenzo)在一旁坐着。泰代斯基說,當地貿易團體的幾名成員去年在無法保住自己的企業之後自殺了。
“This is a moment where if you stay alone in this situation,” he said, “you will wind up by shooting yourself.”