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Boris Gelfand vs Hikaru Nakamura
"I Am the One Who Naks" (game of the day Mar-14-2014)
World Team Championship (2010), Bursa TUR, rd 5, Jan-09
King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation. Modern System (E97)  ·  0-1



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Premium Chessgames Member
  Ss17405168: Nevermind, I got it. Tarrasch(Rybka)
explained it. 29.Nxb6 is answered by
29...Qxf3+. Sorry.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Phony Benoni: Good thing Black's queen had the Gold Protection Package from Nakacare.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Check It Out: I really like all black's zwischenzugs threatening mate on g2 while his queen hangs in the balance.
Mar-14-14  ajile: OK the pun is from Breaking Bad correct? Please tell me this is from the monster best ever in the history of television series.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Check It Out: Yes, a very intense show. Here it is:
Mar-14-14  Chess for life: Yes, definitely Breaking Bad. Great pun.
Mar-14-14  notevenbad: Such a clever pun. For once i'm not dissapointed
Mar-14-14  RedShield: Another weak pun.
Mar-14-14  morfishine: <RedShield> Thats an understatement: its not even a pun at all, just another infantile play on words
Mar-14-14  RedShield: You're wrong, bur let's agree on one thing: whoever submitted it is a silly motherpunster.
Mar-14-14  morfishine: <RedShield> In my book, a pun is a 'play on words'; but a 'play on words' isn't necessarily a pun. Perhaps my standards are too high
Mar-14-14  RedShield: <The pun, also called paronomasia, is a form of word play that suggests two or more meanings, by exploiting multiple meanings of words, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect.>

Naks for Nakamura and for knocks supplies the required two meanings. You, of course, believe that one of the meanings should have some logical connection to the actual game in question. Compare with this minor masterpiece: I Nyzhnyk vs A Graf, 2012

Mar-14-14  morfishine: <RedShield> 'Sinking of the Graf's play' is excellent since it "completes the loop" referencing back to the game and chess in general. "Naks" is missing this reference to chess and the actual game, and so lacking this foundation, flounders in the sea of childish 'play on words'
Mar-14-14  Ratt Boy: It's a very clever pun.

Strained, butt clever.

As for Naka's game? I was just playing it through superficially, and was stunned by 24…♘xe1. I exclaimed, "Whaaat?" and my wife came running. She was disappointed that it was "just" a chess game (like there would ever be something more important).

Premium Chessgames Member
  kevin86: On move 24, black sacrifices TWO queens: the one he loses and the one the promoting pawn makes- all in exchange for a simple pawn MATE.
Mar-14-14  ChessYouGood: Classical games: Boris Gelfand beat Hikaru Nakamura 6 to 2, with 7 draws
Mar-14-14  Travis Bickle: <ChessYouGood> Well Gelfand didn't win this 1. ; P
Mar-14-14  ajile: Nak Nak
Who's there?
Hikaru who?
HI Kirll You in chess puns.
Mar-14-14  morfishine: <ajile> Ha Ha!
Premium Chessgames Member
  FSR: Very cool game!
Oct-12-14  SpiritedReposte: No way is Breaking Bad better than The Sopranos.

I'd rather watch Boardwalk Empire even.

Premium Chessgames Member
  yiotta: A wonderful fight, got MY adrenaline pumping...
Jan-04-16  maseras: KingsGambit73,what about 24.Kg2 h4?
Feb-20-21  Z 000000001: Has anybody made a compilation of <tpstar>'s stream-of-consciousness annotations?

E.g. Gelfand vs Nakamura, 2010 (kibitz #111)


Feb-20-21  Z 000000001: Nak doing his review of the greats, mentions this game when discussing Bronstein:

"Greatest chess books of all time ... 1953 Zurich Candidates"

"Great theoretician"

~ "Original concept behind the KID and the bayonet attack ... and this line of course ... I will always think very fondly of, <because this variation has lead, probably to the game, the greatest game I have played>, which was against Boris Gelfand in the World Team ch in 2010 ... the best game I will have ever played."

So, Nak considers this his best game. Many would agree I guess.

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