
You blocked @cementingseams

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  1. Mar 12
  2. Feb 23

    Hears a tiger needs rescuing

  3. Feb 5

    Damn, sunflower seeds were the original Bean-boozled huh? Good one, good one, good one, *the fossilized mosquito from Jurassic Park*

  4. Jan 28

    This the Citadel everybody is talking about?

  5. Jan 28

    Internet chefs when they get a chance to school you on the Maillard Reaction

  6. Jan 9

    🎵I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me. Papa,

  7. Dec 31

    Someday I hope to be as proud of myself as people who only drink black coffee

  8. 31 Dec 2020

    Never been to Vegas, do you really hear that... I dunno Spy Jazz everywhere?

  9. 24 Dec 2020

    Wait so the Duncan guys snuck into the hotel room at the end and delivered the truck full of wrapped gifts? And Mr. Duncan orchestrated it between midnight when his store was robbed and dawn? And NOBODY called OCS?

  10. 24 Dec 2020

    Gotta assume Uncle Rob is going to be absolutely incensed about his Brownstone.

  11. 23 Dec 2020

    There's an argument that Harry and Marv turned to a life of crime to get their kicks because they are ancient cosmic immortals who literally can't be killed, and I'm making it.

  12. 23 Dec 2020

    *unfurls the blueprint of Operation Ho Ho Ho like he hadn't JUST finished drawing it.*

  13. 23 Dec 2020

    Best part so far is that Kevin says "Sick!" when he first sees the pigeon lady, which was not funny in 1992.

  14. 23 Dec 2020

    Damn the sticky bandits were really just gonna murder the kid huh

  15. 23 Dec 2020

    Kids would fuckin hate Duncan's Toy Chest. 2 floors of lame ass xmas knick knacks.

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  16. 23 Dec 2020

    He asks the limo driver about toy stores but where the hell were they going in the first place?

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  17. 23 Dec 2020

    OMG DID YOU REALIZE THIS MOVIE HAS A CAMEO BY the guy who plays Cardinal Richelou from the Three Musketeers with Oliver Platt?

  18. 23 Dec 2020

    Even with the astonishing amount of divine intervention that must have happened to make the plot of this movie possible, the most unbelievable part is that nobody calls OCS

  19. 23 Dec 2020

    Uncle Frank exactly the kind of guy to imply he had a huge dong to a 10 yr old.

  20. 23 Dec 2020

    Can you really see Manhattan from the airport like that?


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