
Important financial decisions confront individuals every day.  Often, these issues create confusion and stress. The Consumer Institute offers tools to help community members handle decisions concerning personal finance and the economy.  Our goal is to provide individuals with the tools they need to take responsibility for their financial health and to achieve financial well-being.

Check out our free upcoming workshops for 2020

Can’t decide what to do with your stimulus check?

Start here

Beware of scams during the

COVID 19 Crisis  

Details here

 BE AWARE: Don’t Be a Victim of Tax Identity Theft

Don’t let scammers take advantage of you.  Learn more here

Recommended Reading:

The Rotten Deal:

Managed Mutual Funds and Retirement Income

This paper by David W. Rasmussen, James H. Gapinski Professor of Economics, Associate at the Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy and Affiliate of the  L. Charles Hilton Center at Florida State University, takes an important look at retirement investments.  There is a substantial literature in finance that documents the fact that managed mutual funds tend to provide a lower rate of return than low fee index funds.  Given that 70 percent of the $13.7 trillion invested in mutual funds are in managed funds, this allocation of savings compromises the financial well-being of U.S. households.  Investment decisions of households is compromised by low levels of financial literacy, deceptive advertising, and self-interested advisers who steer investors into the high cost managed funds.  Readers will be alerted to these practices and learn basic economic literacy to make sound decisions.


Don’t be a victim on line –

keep your personal information on line PRIVATE

Read this important information


January 28 was Data Privacy Day.  Many consumers do not fully understand how their information is collected, used and stored by the devices, apps and websites they use every day. According to a recent Pew Research Center study, 91 percent of American adults “agree” or “strongly agree” that consumers have lost control of how personal information is collected and used by companies. Additionally, 50 percent are worried about the amount of personal information about them online, while 47 percent said they were not confident they understood what would be done with their data once it was collected.  Consumers should become informed about this critical topic.  Click here to learn how.

Consumer Institute reminds consumers to protect themselves on line. Take the time to review these simple and quick strategies to protect your on line accounts, such as bank, email and social media.