Rozina Islam freed on bail after 7 days | The Daily Star
03:44 PM, May 23, 2021 / LAST MODIFIED: 04:53 PM, May 23, 2021

Rozina freed on bail after 7 days

Prothom Alo Senior Correspondent Rozina Islam walked out of jail this afternoon, seven days after she was arrested in a case filed by the health ministry.

She left Kashimpur Central Women's jail in Gazipur where her family members and colleagues were waiting for her.

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Hosne Ara Bithi, jailer of Kashimpur Women's Central Jail, said they released the journalist at 4:18pm upon receiving the court order.

Earlier, the prisons authorities received the bail order after Metropolitan Magistrate Mohammad Baki Billah in the morning granted her bail on a bond of Tk 5,000 with two guarantors -- one of whom must be a lawyer, and the other a legal guardian.

She was also granted bail on condition of submitting her passport.

On Monday, Rozina Islam was kept confined at the health ministry for more than five hours before being handed to police when she went to the Secretariat to perform her duties.

Later, Shibbir Ahmed Osmani, deputy secretary of health services division under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, filed the case with Shahbagh Police Station.

Different local and international organizations have been protesting the arrest, with a demand to release her soon.


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