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The top of our news here at o'clock. an age old dream becoming a reality. A local inventor has discovered a way here is to use water to run your car. It's a major breakthrough that will no doubt make motorists happy. and as Ralph Robinson explains the Pentagon is also showing lots of interest in this project. I don't care if you use rain water well water, city water, ocean water. If you don't have any fresh water, go ahead and use snow. If you don't have any snow available to you, they use salt water because there's no adverse effect to the fuel cell Man started work on this project years ago. He's not a scientist. He isn't even a chemist. In fact, he never graduated from college. Myers was determined. He says to design something to protect this country from oil Embargo. The Pentagon flew a lieutenant colonel in last week to look at Myers invention. There's talk of possibly using it in the Star Wars defense program and to run army tanks. Myers is currently perfecting a water fuel cell for cars. It will cost about . He says it won't need any maintenance and you won't have to replace it.
PagesPublic FigureCalvin MartyrVideosImagine if we all had water powered cars!!! Pentagon killed...