Brandy: I look forward to seeing SA through my daughter's eyes


Cape Town - The Legends of R&B are returning to South Africa in December for another unforgettable experience with Brian McKnight and Brandy Norwood.

With over two decades of experience in the music industry, singer-songwriter Brandy has won numerous awards and accolades, including a Grammy Award for Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal, for The Boy Is Mine.

But proving she is so much more than just a pop sensation, Brandy anchored the American hit-sitcom Moesha from 1996 to 2001. And went on to portray the first ever black Cinderella in the 1997 Rodgers and Hammerstein fairy tale adaptation.

Brandy went on to release the Brandy Barbie Collection and became the first black singer to be the face of American cosmetic brand, CoverGirl. 

Brandy Norwood

Brandy - who has visited South Africa before - said that she really enjoys the country and the people: "I remember South Africa so vividly. It's really such a beautiful country." 

She added that the people she met in South Africa were "genuine."

The last time she was in South Africa she was with her father, but this time around she will be bringing along her mother and her daughter.

"I am looking forward to seeing it all again through the eyes of my mother and my daughter," she said.

Brandy Norwood

Speaking about her upcoming performances in South Africa she says: "I love to entertain. I'll be performing some of my classics, as well as songs the fans might not know. It's always such a blessing to hear people singing along to my music." 

Brandy - who will be taking to the stage alongside multi-instrumentalist Brian McKnight - says she is "excited" to perform alongside the American singer-songwriter: "I've never worked with him before. But he remains one of my all time favourite singers. He is one of the most talented artists to walk the earth."

Having helped define R&B music during the golden age of the genre in the 90s, Brandy says her approach to making music over the years has never changed. 

She says: "For me nothing has changed. My songs come from me and I've always related to my music, and it's a way of telling my truth and giving my own version of my life.

"I want to continue adding value to my music," she adds.

Brandy Norwood

Brandy reveals that she doesn't want to "put herself in a R&B box," saying: "I love hip-hop and jazz. It all makes sense to me and my reentry into the music industry."

Young artists like Rihanna, Sam Smith and Ariana Grande have credited her as an inspiration, with Rihanna tweeting: "Brandy is just the best and that is just it. These vocals never get old."

And Sam Smith tweeted: "Your voice is everything to me."

About the high praises she says: "I see that as the highest form of flattery.

"I worked with Sam Smith for the first time four years ago, and then again recently. And now I'm one of his biggest fans. It's so great to hear what they [artists inpsired by her] listen to and what they like," she adds.   

The star has spent years in the spotlight - it wasn't all easy! - and says if she could give her younger self advice about being in the industry today, it would be: "You're going to make it be strong. Your life is going to be better than ever, just be patient." 

Tour Information:
Saturday 9 December 2017
Sun Arena, Time Square
Ticket Price: R480 - R945 

Sunday 10 December 2017
Ticketpro Dome
Ticket Price:  R480 - R1000
Cape Town 
Tuesday 12 December 2017
Grand Arena, GrandWest
Ticket Price:  R480 - R945 

Thursday 14 December 2017
Durban ICC
Ticket Price:  R425 - R845

(Photos: Getty)

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