
Watch the KAUR Film…

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Subtitles available in: español, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ, हिन्दी, Deutsch, português, italiano, 中文字幕, Suomi, English
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KAUR Video Downloads

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  • Download 360p  – file size 106MB – resolution: 640 x 360
  • Download 480p – file size 189MB – resolution: 854 x 480
  • Download HD 720p – file size 376MB – resolution: 1280 x 720 (best for: ipad, tablet, iphone, smartphone etc)
  • Download HD 1080p  – file size 746MB – resolution: 1920 x 1080 (best for: TV, computer, etc)
  • Download Subtitle Files – Subtitles available in Español, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ, हिन्दी, Deutsch, Português, 中文字幕, Suomi, English

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KAUR blog

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10 Words Every Girl Should Learn

10 Words Every Girl Should Learn

"Stop interrupting me."  "I just said that." "No explanation needed." In fifth grade, I won the school courtesy prize. In other words, I won an award for being polite. My brother, on the other hand, was considered the class comedian. We were very typically socialized...

Rejected Princesses.com #11 – Mai Bhago

Rejected Princesses.com #11 – Mai Bhago

Introducing the eleventh Rejected Princess: Mai Bhago, 18th century Sikh warrior-saint and only survivor of the Battle of Khidrana. A quick bit of background, since it may be that you, like me, do not know a ton about Sikhs. You probably know that they’re the guys who...

India’s new comic ‘super hero’: Priya, the rape survivor

India’s new comic ‘super hero’: Priya, the rape survivor

  A new comic book with a female rape survivor as its “super hero” has been launched to focus attention on the problem of sexual violence in India. Been reading the Indian epic Mahabharata recently, and was a little disappointed about some of the portrayal of...

Neerja Bhanot

Neerja Bhanot

  On September 5, 1986, mere hours before her 23rd birthday, Neerja Bhanot turned to see 4 heavily-armed terrorists boarding Pan Am flight 73, where she was a flight attendant. She dashed to the cockpit to warn the pilots, but was caught by one of the hijackers,...

Using fictional characters to identify your true self:

Using fictional characters to identify your true self:

Using examples from her own life, sequential art expert / sharp-as-a-razor commentator Comicbookgirl19 illustrates how people can use comic book characters to better understand who they are and how they fit in in our world. To learn more about Comicbookgirl19 and...

A Call To Men

A Call To Men

Tony Porter makes a call to men everywhere: Don't "act like a man." Telling powerful stories from his own life, he shows how this mentality, drummed into so many men and boys, can lead men to disrespect, mistreat and abuse women and each other. His solution: Break...

What did you think of KAUR?

We would love to hear what you or your kids thought about KAUR. Please share your comments. Thanks!

Trailer, Making of & Other Video

After watching the KAUR animation Padmani Kaur (age 7) shared with her father “I learned that girls can be strong and do anything! It was the best movie I have ever seen!”

Padmani Kaur (age 7)

Downloadable Wallpaper

“Young girls today need to know that women of strength, courage and power have always existed throughout history. That’s why we decided to make KAUR – not only to tell the story of Mai Bhago, but to remind every girl that she has the right to stand for what she believes in.”

- Ek Ong Kaar Kaur

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