ANL 31.95 Decreased By ▼ -0.35 (-1.08%)
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FNEL 9.08 Increased By ▲ 0.03 (0.33%)
GGGL 24.60 Decreased By ▼ -0.25 (-1.01%)
GGL 48.55 Decreased By ▼ -0.25 (-0.51%)
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MDTL 3.88 Decreased By ▼ -0.07 (-1.77%)
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PACE 7.86 Increased By ▲ 0.34 (4.52%)
PAEL 34.58 Decreased By ▼ -0.52 (-1.48%)
PIBTL 11.22 Decreased By ▼ -0.28 (-2.43%)
POWER 9.58 Decreased By ▼ -0.12 (-1.24%)
PRL 23.80 Decreased By ▼ -0.38 (-1.57%)
PTC 11.90 Decreased By ▼ -0.20 (-1.65%)
SILK 1.90 Decreased By ▼ -0.04 (-2.06%)
SNGP 48.90 Decreased By ▼ -0.10 (-0.2%)
TELE 15.24 Increased By ▲ 0.06 (0.4%)
TRG 172.00 Decreased By ▼ -4.21 (-2.39%)
UNITY 42.78 Decreased By ▼ -1.22 (-2.77%)
WTL 3.89 Decreased By ▼ -0.02 (-0.51%)
BR100 5,192 Decreased By ▼ -38.05 (-0.73%)
BR30 26,932 Decreased By ▼ -371.5 (-1.36%)
KSE100 47,563 Decreased By ▼ -489.72 (-1.02%)
KSE30 19,111 Decreased By ▼ -255.03 (-1.32%)

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Blast in Quetta injures at least six

  • Explosion took place near a Frontier Corps vehicle
Updated 01 Jul 2021

At least six people were injured in a blast on Quetta's Airport Road on Thursday, police said.

The explosion took place near a moving Frontier Corps (FC) vehicle, police said.

The injured people are being shifted to the hospital, and the area has been cordoned off.

Balochistan Home Minister Mir Zia Langove in a statement said a convoy of six Army vehicles were passing on the road when the blast occurred.

"Four to five kilograms of explosive material was used in the bomb. Five security officials were injured in the blast and were taken to Combined Military Hospital (CMH)," he told reporters.

"India is using Afghanistan's land to conduct attacks in [Pakistan]. Peace in Balochistan will only come from peace in Afghanistan," he added.

Five FC soldiers were martyred last week after militants targeted a patrolling unit in Sibi district.

Last month, four soldiers from FC Balochistan had been martyred in a blast on the Marget-Quetta Road.

This is a developing story and will be updated accordingly.