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A Guinness World Record attempt: Largest Bangladesh national flag made of handmade envelopes

  • Published at 07:20 pm July 24th, 2021

On the occasion of the golden jubilee of Bangladesh's Independence, Symon Imran Hyder, a craft artist, attempted a Guinness World Record, titled "Largest Envelope Mosaic (flag)" by making the largest Bangladesh National Flag made of envelopes.

Today an event named ‘Durnibar Bangladesh' was held at the InterContinental Dhaka upon the approved application from the Guinness authorities where the artist celebrated the milestone of the new record.The gigantic national flag of Bangladesh, which measures 20 meters long and 12 meters wide, took more than 5 hours to create.

With the assistance of a voluntary team named ‘Agroho’, Symon Imran has made the largest Bangladesh National Flag by using red and green envelopes. Around 16000 envelopes were required to execute the plan to make the 240 square meters long flag. The craft artist made all the envelopes himself in the last few years. His handmade envelopes are also commercially available. The typical custom associated with envelopes is sharing information and communication. 

The artist has dedicated this creation to the honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. He also mentioned that his inspiration for any positive work and creation is the father of the nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He is working on a few other projects which will also highlight Bangladesh’s name in the global arena.

The event was graced by Dr. Md. Murad Hassan, MP Honorable State Minister, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting as the chief guest; and Razee Mohammad Fakhrul, MP as a special guest. Dr. Muntassir Mamoon, writer, historian, and scholar also attended the event as the guest of honor. Guests expressed their gratitude by mentioning today’s achievement, which obtained national enthusiasm, as a way of enhancing Bangladesh’s image globally. To get the official name enlistment and declaration-certification, all the required documents have already been submitted to the Guinness authorities.

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