

Sharing the Sikh Experience. Latest news & things related to Sikhs

Espanola, New Mexico USA
যোগদান করেছেন নভেম্বর ২০০৮


আপনি @SikhNet-কে ব্লক করেছেন

আপনি কি এই টুইটগুলি দেখতে চাওয়ার বিষয়ে নিশ্চিত? টুইটগুলি দেখা হলে @SikhNet অবরোধ মুক্ত হবে না।

  1. ৪ জুলাই

    The Jewel of the Lord's Name abides within my heart; the Guru has placed His hand on my forehead.

  2. ২ জুলাই

    He has spiritual ignorance within, and his intellect is dull and dim; he does not place his faith in the True Guru.

  3. ১ জুলাই

    ~Young Sikh American at Oxford University wins a global award in memory of Princess Diana~ Serene Singh is a remarkable young woman who can't stop gaining new achievements and helping others!

  4. ১ জুলাই

    O Saints, my windy mind has now become peaceful and still. It seems that I have learned something of the science of Yoga. ||Pause||

  5. ১ জুলাই

    ~SEC recruits New Jersey attorney general to lead enforcement~ Basically Gurbir Singh Grewal has been promoted to an important federal sheriff. He is known for not favoring the establishment which he will now be scrutinizing. He is a great choice!

  6. ৩০ জুন

    ~Government of British Columbia, Canada declares July 1 as 'Sant Teja Singh Day'~ Tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day!

  7. ৩০ জুন

    O my King, beholding the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, I am at peace.

  8. ২৯ জুন

    O my King, beholding the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, I am at peace.

  9. ২৬ জুন

    Bronze is bright and shiny, but when it is rubbed, its blackness appears. Washing it, its impurity is not removed, even if it is washed a hundred times. ||1||

  10. ২৫ জুন

    Tell me, O Siblings of Destiny, the religion for this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. I seek emancipation - how can I be emancipated?

  11. ২৪ জুন

    Following the Guru's Teachings, I searched and searched the body-village; I found the wealth of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||

  12. ২২ জুন

    The Jewel of the Lord's Name abides within my heart; the Guru has placed His hand on my forehead.

  13. ২১ জুন
  14. ২১ জুন

    The Merciful Lord is the Savior of the Saints; their only support is to sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.

  15. ২০ জুন

    Which, which of Your Glorious Virtues should I sing and recount, Lord? You are my Lord and Master, the treasure of excellence.

  16. ১৯ জুন

    The One who sent you, has now recalled you; return to your home now in peace and pleasure.

  17. ১৯ জুন

    Nirmal Kaur and Milkha Singh have now both passed away. They will be missed!

  18. ১৮ জুন

    God is lofty, unapproachable and infinite. He is indescribable - He cannot be described.

  19. ১৭ জুন

    ~Check Out The Innovative 'Tough Turban' From Harley Davidson~ Plastic chain-mail built into the fabric, along with impact resistance foam and "It feels like a regular turban that's I'd tie every day."

  20. ১৬ জুন

    The One who sent you, has now recalled you; return to your home now in peace and pleasure.


লোড হতে বেশ কিছুক্ষণ সময় নিচ্ছে।

টুইটার তার ক্ষমতার বাইরে চলে গেছে বা কোনো সাময়িক সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হয়েছে আবার চেষ্টা করুন বা আরও তথ্যের জন্য টুইটারের স্থিতি দেখুন।

    আপনিও পছন্দ করতে পারেন
