Acronym hihexat
Name hyperbolic order 6 hexagonal tiling
Circumradius 1/sqrt(-8) = 0.353553 i
Vertex figure [66]
Dual (selfdual)
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regular   noble polytopes  
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There exists a regular modwrap of this tiling, obtained by identifying every 3rd vertex on each hole. Then it allows a representation as infinite regular skew polyhedron, which happens to be a facial subset of the bitruncated tetrahedral-octahedral honeycomb.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol

x6o6o   (N → ∞)

. . . | N |  6 | 6
x . . | 2 | 3N | 2
x6o . | 6 |  6 | N

s4o6o   (N → ∞)

demi( . . . ) | N |  6 | 6
      s4o .   | 2 | 3N | 2
sefa( s4o6o ) | 6 |  6 | N

starting figure: x4o6o

o3o4s4*a   (N → ∞)

demi( . . .    ) | 2N |  3  3 |  6
      o   s4*a   |  2 | 3N  * |  2
      . o4s      |  2 |  * 3N |  2
sefa( o3o4s4*a ) |  6 |  3  3 | 2N

starting figure: o3o4x4*a


. . . .    | 2N |  3  3 |  6
x . . .    |  2 | 3N  * |  2
. x . .    |  2 |  * 3N |  2
x3x . .    |  6 |  3  3 | 2N

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