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In regard to the reclamation by the Railway Department at Mechanics' Bay, Sir Joseph Ward (Minister for Railways) has telegraphed Mr F. Lawry, M.H.R., to the following effect: "I have given special instructions regarding the tilling in of Mechanics' Bay. — J. G.Ward." One of our staff inquired at the Railway Engineer's office concerning the matter, and was informed that that office could say nothing more than that the work had been in progress since the first resolve by the Department to fill it in. The material is being taken from the hill on the other side of the bay, and there are at present three men engaged on the work. The probable date, when this work would be finisheii the office was unable to tellus.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 142, 15 June 1905, Page 5

Word Count

MECHANICS' BAY RECLAMATION. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 142, 15 June 1905, Page 5