Second language acquisition : an introductory course (도서, 2008) []
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Second language acquisition : an introductory course

저자: Susan M Gass; Larry Selinker
출판사: New York : Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group, 2008.
판/형식:   인쇄본 : 영어 : 3rd ed모든 판과 형식 보기
In an easy-to-read, accessible style, it provides students with information about the scope of the field, but also provides background information on related areas such as first language acquisition. The book introduces students to current issues of data collection and data analysis, as well as provides an historical overview of the field, thus giving students context and perspective about how today's issues arise  더 읽기…

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장르/형태: Lehrbuch
Educational tools (form)
자료 유형: 인터넷 자료
문서 유형 도서, 인터넷 자원
모든 저자 / 참여자: Susan M Gass; Larry Selinker
ISBN: 9780805854978 0805854975 9780805854985 0805854983 9780203932841 0203932846
OCLC 번호: 155756544
설명: xviii, 593 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
내용: Chapter 1: Introduction --
Chapter 2: Related Disciplines --
Chapter 3: Second and Foreign Language Data --
Chapter 4: The Role of the Native Language: An Historical Overview --
Chapter 5: Recent Perspectives on the Role of Previously Known Languages --
Chapter 6: Formal Approaches to SLA --
Chapter 7: Typological and Functional Approaches --
Chapter 8: Looking at Interlanguage Processing --
Chapter 9: Interlanguage in Context --
Chapter 10: Input, Interaction, and Output --
Chapter 11: Instructed Second Language Learning --
Chapter 12: Beyond the Domain of Language --
Chapter 13: The Lexicon --
Chapter 14: An Integrated View of Second Language Acquisition.
책임: Susan M. Gass and Larry Selinker.
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Offers a comprehensive overview of the field of second language acquisition. This book provides students with information about the scope of the field, and background information on related areas  더 읽기…


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"A tour de force. The authors have taken the best text available for an introductory course in second language acquisition (SLA) and made it even stronger.... The improvements in the third edition 더 읽기…

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