Crescent of Crisis : U.S.-European Strategy for the Greater Middle East (eBook, 2006) []
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Crescent of Crisis : U.S.-European Strategy for the Greater Middle East Preview this item
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Crescent of Crisis : U.S.-European Strategy for the Greater Middle East

Author: Philip H Gordon; Nicole Gnesotto; Ivo H Daalder
Publisher: Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution Press, ©2005.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : EnglishView all editions and formats
The greater Middle East is beset by a crescent of crisis-a region of urgent danger stretching from Pakistan to Afghanistan, through Iran and Iraq, all the way to the Syria/Lebanon question and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The specific problems range from terrorism and nuclear proliferation to the rise of fundamentalism and a lack of democracy. These crises pose perhaps the most pressing security challenges to  Read more...

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Genre/Form: Electronic books
Material Type: Document
Document Type: Book, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Philip H Gordon; Nicole Gnesotto; Ivo H Daalder
ISBN: 1280812729 9781280812729 9786610812721 6610812721 0815716877 9780815716877
OCLC Number: 1162008914
Language Note: English.
Notes: Includes index.
Description: 1 online resource (273 p.)
Contents: Finding a shared approach to the crescent of crisis / Ivo H. Daalder, Nicole Gnesotto, and Philip H. Gordon --
A multilateral approach to Iran / Kenneth M. Pollack --
The Iranian nuclear crisis / Bruno Tertrais --
Israel-Palestine : U.S. strategy for resolving the Israel-Palestinian conflict / Martin Indyk --
Putting the Israel-Palestinian peace process back on track / Yezid Sayigh --
Syria and Lebanon : different roads to Damascus / Flynt Leverett --
Promoting democracy and human rights in Lebanon and Syria / Eva Goes and Reinoud Leenders --
Iraq: from democratization to governance / James Dobbins --
Reconstituting the Iraqi state: a European perspective / Toby Dodge --
Afghanistan : proposals for improved stability in Afghanistan / Barnett Rubin --
Afghanistan : elements of an Atlantic nation-building strategy / Michael Schmunk --
Pakistan and the crescent of crisis / --
Stephen P. Cohen --
The case of Pakistan : a strategy for Europe / Jean-Luc Racine --
A common U.S.-European strategy on the crescent of crisis / Ivo H. Daalder, Nicole Gnesotto, and Philip H. Gordon. America, Europe, and the crescent of crisis / Ivo Daalder, Nicole Gnesotto, and Philip Gordon --
A common approach to Iran / Kenneth M. Pollack --
The Iranian nuclear crisis / Bruno Tertrais --
Israel-Palestine : U.S. strategy for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict / Martin Indyk --
Putting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process back on track / Yezid Sayigh --
Syria and Lebanon : different roads to Damascus / Flynt Leverett --
Promoting democracy and human rights in Lebanon and Syria / Eva Goes and Reinoud Leenders --
Iraq: from democratization to governance / James Dobbins --
Trying to reconstitute the Iraqi state: a European perspective / Toby Dodge --
Afghanistan : proposals for improved stability in Afghanistan / Barnett R. Rubin --
Afghanistan : elements of transatlantic nation-building strategy / Michael Schmunk --
Pakistan and the crescent of crisis / Stephen P. Cohen --
The case of Pakistan : a strategy for Europe / Jean-Luc Racine --
A common U.S.-European strategy on the crescent of crisis / Ivo Daalder, Nicole Gnesotto, and Philip Gordon.
Responsibility: Ivo Daalder, Nicole Gnesotto, Philip Gordon, editors.


The greater Middle East is beset by a crescent of crisis-a region of urgent danger stretching from Pakistan to Afghanistan, through Iran and Iraq, all the way to the Syria/Lebanon question and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The specific problems range from terrorism and nuclear proliferation to the rise of fundamentalism and a lack of democracy. These crises pose perhaps the most pressing security challenges to Europe and the United States today. Unfortunately, the U.S. and its allies across the Atlantic generally have approached them in separate ways, often resulting in tense transat.


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