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Author: Raven Shadowborne 1999

There is quite a bit of controversy over the eistence or non-eistence of Dom-space!
"uite a few dominants describe simi#ar eperiences durin$ a session that they term
%dom-space%! &ften' new dominants wi## as( if such a thin$ eists and if it does' what is
it! Dependin$ on who you as(' is the answer you wi## $et!
Dom-space is the dominant)s equiva#ent of sub-space! *i(e sub-space' each person)s
eperience with dom-space varies! +o two peop#e wi## have eact#y the same
eperiences with this occurance!
,n#i(e sub-space' the dominant does not #ose contro# of their thou$hts or actions in most
cases! The opposite occurs instead! Those who have described dom-space say it is #i(e
an intensifyin$ of what is $oin$ on in a session! Some say they can fee# the presence of
the submissive' his-her heartbeat' breathin$' and even thou$hts! Some have described it
as a menta# bondin$ in which the dominant and submissive reach a p#ace to$ether in
which words are no #on$er neccessary and pure instinct ta(es over! Some have said that
when this occurs' they .ust %(now% what to do and when to do it' in order to $et eact#y
the response they want! /t is often described as fee#in$ #i(e the toy 0whip' crop'
whatever1 is nothin$ more than an etension of their arm' a part of them instead of
somethin$ whe#y seperate from them! 2ost peop#e who have eperienced this' say dom-
space inc#udes a hei$htened sense of physica# arousa# beyond .ust an erection! Durin$
such an arousa#' every nerve in the body becomes etreme#y sensitive' some say to the
point where you can fee# the very air touchin$ your s(in!
Some peop#e use the term dom-space to describe a menta# mindset! ,sin$ the term this
way pertains to the menta# fee#in$ of contro# and power that occurs in a dominant! This
use can occur outside of a session as we## as durin$ a session! /t is more of a persona#
eperience' whereas the other definition often inc#udes the submissive! This is a more
sin$u#ar sensation' which $ives hei$htened awareness of one)s persona# power and
position! /t can be quite stron$' to the point of affectin$ the dominant)s body with
physica# arousa#' or increased stren$th! /t)s a menta# adrena#ine rush! 2any describe it as
a very heady fee#in$ that often hits when the submissive b#atant#y shows their
submission! 3or eamp#e' a submissive a$rees to try a $o#den shower even thou$h
he-she is unsure if she wi## en.oy it! Seein$ the submissive (nee#in$ na(ed' waitin$ to
receive the shower' can create a ma.or head rush of power in the dominant! &r the
submissive accepts a permanent mar( of ownership such as a tattoo' brand or peircin$!
4atchin$ 0or participatin$1 the submissive ta(e this mar( wi##in$#y' can cause an
overwhe#min$ fee#in$ of ownership' responsibi#ity and power in the dominant as we##!
*i(e sub-space' dom-space requires the ri$ht atmosphere or tri$$er in order for the
dominant to enter dom-space! 3or some this cou#d be somethin$ as simp#e as the
submisive (nee#in$ wihtout bein$ to#d to' or as comp#e as a very invo#ved scene! 5ow
intense#y dom-space affects the dominant is a#so hi$h#y persona#ised! 3or some it is
rather mi#d' for others they describe it as bein$ a#most psychic to the point where they
can %see% the submissive and fee# them even with their eyes c#osed!
The abi#ity to enter dom-space is affected by such thin$s as physica# hea#th and stress
#eve#! /f a dominant is i##' or over#y stressed' dom-space may be impossib#e to reach! 3or
some' fai#in$ to reach dom-space' is the equiva#ent of impotence! /t can be a painfu#
b#ow to the e$o! 5owever' fai#in$ to attain dom-space once in a whi#e' does not mean
you)ve #ost your %dominance% or your #i(in$ for b-d or s-m p#ay! /t simp#y means you are
human' and #i(e any other human bein$' your menta# and emotiona# states are affected
by your dai#y eperiences!
3or those who have eperienced such emotions or reactions' dom-space is considered a
rea#ity! 3or those who have not eperienced' it is often dismissed as a fantasy! /t is up to
you to decide if you be#ieve it eists' or not!