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Private Corner Mini Concert (2CD)

Jacky Cheung (Singer)
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Private Corner Mini Concert (2CD)
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YesAsia Editorial Description

In January 2010, veteran Hong Kong crooner Jacky Cheung returned to the Canto-pop world with the jazz-pop album Private Corner, and it was a resounding success with Hong Kong music fans and critics alike. When Cheung announced a mini concert for an exclusive audience to commemorate the release of the album, debate began among music fans and professionals about which classic songs Cheung would give his new jazz sound to. Now, the answer is finally revealed with the release of the Private Corner Mini Concert. The two-disc set includes the entire 85-minute concert, which took place in the performing hall of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In addition to seven songs from Private Corner, Jacky also performs beloved classics like Blessing, Li Xiang Lan, and a cover of Lover's Tears.
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Technical Information

Product Title: Private Corner Mini Concert (2CD) Private Corner 迷你音樂會 (2CD) Private Corner 迷你音乐会 (2CD) Private Corner 迷你音樂會 (2CD) Private Corner Mini Concert (2CD)
Singer Name(s): Jacky Cheung (Singer) 張 學友 (Singer) 张 学友 (Singer) 張學友(ジャッキー・チョン) (Singer) 장 학우 (Singer)
Release Date: 2010-07-23
Language: Cantonese
Place of Origin: Hong Kong
Disc Format(s): CD
Other Information: 2CD
Package Weight: 130 (g)
Shipment Unit: 1 What is it?
Publisher: Go East (HK)
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1022968025

Product Information / Track List

十二個音/ 迷你/
Double Trouble

New York New York/
Somewhere Over the Rainbow/
情人的眼淚/ 李香蘭/
祝福/ 離開以後
Medley: 佛跳牆+我要/

CD 1
01. 十二個音
02. 迷你
03. 戀上你背面
04. 找對你
05. Everyday is Christmas
06. Medley : Pink Panther (music) + New York New York
07. Somewhere Over the Rainbow

CD 2
01. Medley : 佛跳牆 + 我要
02. 情人的眼淚
03. 月巴 女且
04. Let It Go
05. Double Trouble
06. 李香蘭
07. 離開以後
08. 祝福
Additional Information may be provided by the manufacturer, supplier, or a third party, and may be in its original language

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YumCha! Asian Entertainment Reviews and Features

Professional Review of "Private Corner Mini Concert (2CD)"

July 29, 2010

This professional review refers to Private Corner Mini Concert Karaoke (Live 2-DVD + Bonus MV DVD)

張學友 《Private Corner Mini Concert(3DVD)》

張學友今年重出歌壇,發行了暌違多時的全新粵語專輯《Private Corner》,大玩爵士風,在缺乏某電視台的支持下仍大賣逾四萬張,成績驕人,保住「歌神」的金漆招牌,也為幾近夕陽的香港唱片工業打下一支強心針,證明有好歌手和製作熱誠,新歌一樣有市場,實物唱片一樣可以大有市場。為了配合唱片的宣傳,唱片公司早前找來商業電台為學友在香港理工大學舉辦了只有「一千零一場」(粵語,意即僅有一場)的迷你音樂會(Mini Concert),讓學友以多首爵士作品會知音,也為學友全新一輪個唱舉行前熱熱身。事隔數月,他所屬的上華唱片終於推出了是次音樂會的影音產品,包括2CD版和3DVD版,不讓同門一眾師弟陳奕迅﹑張敬軒和MR.的演唱會專輯專美,期望再創銷量佳績。

學友的《Private Corner》專輯銷量極佳,但也有一些評論聲音,指學友的聲音不夠Jazz,筆者在上篇碟評也說過「他歌聲中的爵士味道不賴但還未達到極致,稍欠一點才算得上真正的渾然天成」,其實當時的問題癥結在於學友唱得太用力,但平心而論,其總體表現已著實不俗。來到這個《Private Corner Mini Concert》,明顯聽到上述所說已幾近不成問題,學友現場唱Jazz的表現明顯比他在專輯時精彩,更能展現出隨興感﹑閒情和愜意,表現得輕鬆,收起過多的嚴肅,熬出Jazz的趣味,大有可賞。至於學友的表現和狀態亦良好,歌聲富磁性和張力,在聽覺來說是一次不錯的享受與經歷。

再說當晚的選曲,主要為學友《Private Corner》一碟裡面的新歌,如主打歌「迷你」﹑「十二個音」﹑「Double Trouble」﹑「月巴 女且」和「Everything is Christmas」等,也有他人之作如「New York New York」﹑「佛跳牆」﹑「我要」﹑「情人的眼淚」,在Encore(安可)的部份更唱出他的首本名曲「李香蘭」﹑「離開以後」和「祝福」的Jazz版。作為一場爵士音樂會,這晚的選曲是得宜的,都是有意思有水準的歌曲,配合Jazz的味道均見盎然。對Jazz或張學友有興趣的朋友,應不會感到沉悶,應該能好好享受。當然,如果你進場一心是聽學友的老歌,或只是想親親偶像,對接受主流曲風以外的作品沒興趣,這個音樂會絕對不是你的選擇。相反,如果你對音樂的口味不偏執,願意嘗試收聽不同的音樂,或願意用耐心聽一些水準不俗的好音樂,這個音樂會足以讓你滿意。

再說幾個MV,當中以「Double Trouble」最有趣味,卡通﹑漫畫化,不算大製作,但看得過癮,而「迷你」和「十二個音」的MV亦值得一看。

文/ 李重言Stephen Lee (香港)

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