
Double decker airplane seats. by urstillatroll in ABoringDystopia

[–]dukeofbun 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Oh no no no the shareholders wouldn't like that at all

A mere £1,495 each? I’ll have both then. by mrsilver76 in CasualUK

[–]dukeofbun 5 points6 points  (0 children)

not even for the squeezy bottles, what a load of crap

Attempted table throwing at my local boozer (not my video) by captain_caveman2 in CasualUK

[–]dukeofbun 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Based on this I'd wager he would come back with the gun and find a way to choke on it or something.

What a tit.

Why was he so rude and aggressive? by [deleted] in relationships

[–]dukeofbun 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I wish I could expand on this in a meaningful way but some people are just arseholes.

My sister replaced her office chair wheels with rollerblade wheels. by Nsmith1881 in mildlyinteresting

[–]dukeofbun 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm going to stop reading before That Guy turns up to explain how this is a terrible idea and will lead to a broken chair/ bad back/ collapse of civilization

Book turn-offs that, sadly, limit your potential reading pool? by caosemeralds in RomanceBooks

[–]dukeofbun 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I don't really care for any story that seems to revolve around a huge power differential; the seven feet tall mighty alpha man god and the petite clueless 22 year old pixie he's suddenly fixated on.

This rears its ugly head in many forms. Billionaires. BDSM. The boss. The bodybuilder/ athlete (unless we're matching him with a similar type not a five foot tall wisp of of a thing). Anything that involves his cruelty towards her being framed as something arousing.

It's not. I do wish there was more than just the same generic couple in different but formulaic plotlines. I know tropes exist for a reason and that's not my issue.

It's more like, okay so we know what the 28 year old rugged billionaire CEO and the "not like other girls" short and cute and clumsy 22 year old would do in this scenario. We got the message okay. There's spanking, it's apparently very hot. Blah blah.

Riddle me this: how does it look when we have a 41 year old guy who's just gone through a horrible divorce and wasn't the victim, and he meets a 42 (GASP) year old woman who isn't cutesy or tiny or needlessly sassy. How does it go for them?

My girlfriend (27f) constantly receives messages from past flings by [deleted] in relationships

[–]dukeofbun -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

She could shut them down. She doesn't want to.

You will know better than we do why that is. Attention? Insecurity? Playing games?

Starting to get really fed up with this part of my brain tbh by terrainkiller in adhdmeme

[–]dukeofbun 5 points6 points  (0 children)

"why aren't more people talking about The Wire?!"

  • Me in 2016

Please, stop... by Popadoodledooo in adhdmeme

[–]dukeofbun 42 points43 points  (0 children)

*looks at all the words below the waterline"

"i aint reading all that shite, scrolly scrolly scroll awayyyy"

How do you feel about the fact that you will most likely live a normal, forgettable life? by Tidbits5 in AskReddit

[–]dukeofbun 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's a blessing.

About eighteen months ago, my cousin died very suddenly. She was a year younger than me and hitting every milestone I was hitting just slightly after me. She got married about a year after I did. They bought their first home about 18 months after we bought ours. We'd just had a baby. She was pregnant when she passed.

A normal, forgettable life is what she doesn't get to have.

She doesn't get to assure her husband that she can barely notice his hairline receding, she doesn't get to drive a sensible car with decent mileage to go see her parents. She doesn't get to hold the baby she was carrying, she doesn't get to complain that her toddler keeps demanding Baby Shark on repeat.

Normal is a privilege not granted to everyone. And there's no rhyme or reason why she doesn't get to be here and I do. I'll take it.

Besides, I think forgettable applies to everyone. You can be prolific and important and people will only ever remember a cariacature of you, the real you... just as forgettable as everyone else.

My buddy told me he and his wife are expecting. Since he's also a hardcore fan, I texted this to him. by Cramtastic in TheSimpsons

[–]dukeofbun 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah, almost three years ago.

We have a toddler and I can confirm that pirate was an APT choice there

My buddy told me he and his wife are expecting. Since he's also a hardcore fan, I texted this to him. by Cramtastic in TheSimpsons

[–]dukeofbun 19 points20 points  (0 children)

every time I'd get a negative pregnancy test I'd send my husband a pic of the test with baby... baby... lemon

Court artist doesn't think much of Rooney's hair transplant by [deleted] in CasualUK

[–]dukeofbun 22 points23 points  (0 children)

If only there was some way to refresh the memory of what Wayne Rooney looked like

Why are Huns ALWAYS on calls with eachother? by Ok-Explanation5488 in antiMLM

[–]dukeofbun 1 point2 points  (0 children)

gotta fill the time between harassing people on social media

Leaving open tabs like breadcrumbs to lead me back to my original task by jessdonohoe in adhdmeme

[–]dukeofbun 1 point2 points  (0 children)

had 6 tabs open with builders i need to call about the remodel since... ooh I think November 2020

Please let me vomit knowledge all over you. by thefinalcutdown in adhdmeme

[–]dukeofbun 57 points58 points  (0 children)

Me sitting on the couch next to my husband after the kid goes to bed, just trembling with the anticipation of telling him about my new hobby.

His thousand yard state, I can practically hear hello darkness my old friend playing in his head.

Neurotypicals trying to make ADHD seem like it's the flu.. And no one says ADD anymore.. by Cannabun in adhdmeme

[–]dukeofbun 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Oh yeah that person goes on the "no way I could have SWORN I replied to your text" list

Does it fit here? by notthelasagna in gatekeeping

[–]dukeofbun 1 point2 points  (0 children)

No it's baby uncle fester, the whitest baby of all

I love maps and my wife kindly got me a lovely globe rug for my office. I feel like something is missing... by dorgoth12 in CasualUK

[–]dukeofbun 2 points3 points  (0 children)

wait... maybe this is a future map and we're underwater because it melted?

a prophecy rug

Never trust a toddler by LilBitOSoul16100 in toddlers

[–]dukeofbun 32 points33 points  (0 children)

Mine is super into pouring so you need to be ON IT when you leave anything around her.

Pouring juice into the lid of the bottle.

Pouring fries from bowl to cup to bowl to cup to...

Pouring water into the cutlery holder

Pouring chili into her rice... but doesn't like it when chili touches the rice.

Pouring water into the chili rice mix

Pouring a jar of olives into the same plate

Good times. Good times.

I don’t know if I should end my 2.5 year relationship by [deleted] in relationships

[–]dukeofbun 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Talk is cheap. Anyone can say anything, make a promise with no intention of sticking to it.

What he says is irrelevant. Listen to his actions not his words.