Riccardo  Moratto Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Riccardo Moratto

Full Professor
Shanghai International Studies University

Prof. Dr. Riccardo Moratto (莫冉教授) is Full Professor of Translation Studies at the Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation (GIIT), Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), and Honorary Guest Professor (榮譽客座教授) at Nanjing Agricultural University. Prof. Moratto holds a Ph.D. in Translation and Interpreting Studies from National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU).


Prof. Dr. Riccardo Moratto is Full Professor of Translation Studies, Chinese Translation and Interpreting at the Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation (GIIT), Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), and Honorary Guest Professor at the College of Foreign Studies, Nanjing Agricultural University.
Prof. Moratto holds a Ph.D. in Translation and Interpreting Studies from National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). Prof. Moratto is also Cultore della Materia at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Visiting Scholar at Shandong University, Honorary Research Fellow at the Center for Translation Studies of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Expert Member of the Translators Association of China (TAC), Honorary Member of Associação de Tradutores de Macau, Assistant to the President of WITTA, Consultant of the Hangzhou Expert Committee on the Standardization of Chinese-English Public Signs, member of the European Society for Translation Studies and the European Association of Chinese Studies. Prof. Moratto is a Chartered Linguist and Fellow Member of CIoL, an international conference interpreter and renowned literary translator. He is the first Westerner to have received a Ph.D. in translation studies in Taiwan and the first Italian appointed as Full Professor in Translation Studies in any Chinese university.
He has taught at numerous universities, including Hunan Normal University, Fu Jen Catholic University, Shih Chien University, Taipei National University of the Arts, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, and National Taipei University of Business. Prof. Moratto has published extensively in the fields of translation studies, Chinese studies and Chinese literary translation, and is also the author of two Chinese books, numerous translations, and two co-edited textbooks. A number of Prof. Moratto’s articles have also been included in peer-reviewed edited volumes published by internationally renowned academic publishers such as Routledge and Springer; a keen researcher, he has also published in various professional journals, conference proceedings and leading international indexed journals. Prof. Moratto has served as a reviewer and editorial board member for several prestigious international journals in translation, linguistics, and cultural studies. At the same time, he has also been engaged in translation practice, translation teaching and research for over fifteen years, and has translated the literary works of many famous modern and contemporary writers. Prof. Moratto has been a visiting or guest professor at several universities in China and abroad, and has been a mentor for students who won the Grand Prize in the 8th Cross-Strait Interpreting Competition in Hunan Province in 2019, a judge for the China Audiovisual Translation Competition and a host for the China-Europe International Literary Festival in 2020.
Prof. Moratto is a polyglot. He speaks several languages, including English, Italian, Chinese, French, Norwegian, Spanish, Thai and Indonesian. Prof. Moratto has also worked as a TV host for Taiwanese television.
Prof. Moratto’s research interests include translation and interpreting studies, sign language interpreting, contemporary Chinese literature, translation of Chinese classics and Sinophone literature, history of Chinese interpreting, community interpreting, media interpreting, and the interdisciplinary nature of interpreting studies.

Prof. Dr. Riccardo Moratto 莫冉教授 (別名韋佳德, 字遠复),台灣師範大學文學院翻譯學博士,現為上海外國語大學高級翻譯學院正教授、南京農業大學外國語學院客座教授。 Moratto教授擔任義大利威尼斯大學特聘專家、山東大學訪問學者、廣東外語外貿大學翻譯學研究中心榮譽兼職研究員、中國翻譯協會專家會員、澳門翻譯協會榮譽會員、世界翻譯教育聯盟主席助理、杭州市公共外語標識規範化工作專家委員會顧問、歐洲翻譯研究學會會員及歐洲漢學學會會員。 Moratto教授是一名國際會議口譯員及著名文學譯者,不僅是台灣師範大學首位獲得翻譯博士學位之外籍人士,而且也是第一位在中國聘為翻譯學正教授的意大利人。於2021年榮獲英國皇家特許語言學家協會授予的特許語言學家資質證明 (Chartered Linguist, Royal Chartered Institute of Linguists, UK).
Moratto教授曾在湖南師範大學、輔仁大學、實踐大學、台北藝術大學、台灣科技大學、台北商業大學等多所高校任教。他在翻譯學、漢學、中國文學翻譯等領域發表過數十篇研究成果,並撰寫兩本中文散文書、二十本以上譯著、兩本合編教科書(高等院校英語專業21世紀課程教材)。他有多篇文章收錄於Springer、Routledge 等國際著名學術出版社的論文專輯,並在各種專業雜誌、會議論文集、編著和國際領先的索引期刊上發表過文章。 Moratto教授曾擔任多個翻譯學、語言學、文化研究著名國際期刊評審專家、編委及審稿人,同時從事翻譯實踐、翻譯教研工作十五年,並曾翻譯諸多現當代著名作家的文學作品。他也在許多國內外著名大學當過客座或訪問教授,且於2019任第八屆海峽兩岸口譯大賽華中賽區湖南選拔賽中榮獲特等獎學生之導師, 並於2020擔任中國視頻譯製大賽評審專家及中歐國際文學節主持人。 Moratto教授通曉數國語言,其包括英語(母語)、意大利語(也是母語)、中文、法文、挪威語、西班牙文、泰文與印度尼西亞語。 Moratto教授曾也擔任台灣電視台的主持人及演說家。
Moratto教授的代表專著包括《Introduzione alla Sinografia》,《Taiwan Sign Language Interpreting: Theoretical Aspects and Pragmatic Issues》, 以及《Translation and Governance. State Translation Activities in the Chinese Yuan and Qing Dynasties》。 Moratto教授也主編了許多由國際權威出版社出版的編著,如《Diverse Voices in Chinese Translation and Interpreting: Theory and Practice》; 《The Routledge Companion to Yan Lianke》; 《Ecocriticism and Chinese Literature: Imagined Landscapes and Real Lived Spaces》; 《Global Insights into Public Service Interpreting: Theory, Practice and Training》; 《Chinese Literature in the World: Dissemination and Translation Practices》; 《Voci letterarie dal Levante: Dialoghi con autori cinesi in tempo di pandemia》(中-意對照版) 等代表作。


    Ph.D., National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, 2013
    M.A., Bologna University, Forlì, 2009
    B.A., Roma Tre University, Rome, 2007

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Translation and interpreting studies, Chinese modern and contemporary literature, interpreting history in China, translation and cultural identities, Chinese literature in translation, public service interpreting (community interpreting), corpus applications to literary and translation studies, sign language interpreting, intercultural communication, Chinese language teaching



Featured Title
 Featured Title - MORATTO LI: Public Service Interpreting - 1st Edition book cover