Recognizing Our Generous Supporters

The Clinton Foundation's impact would not be possible without the generous philanthropic support of thousands of individuals, corporations, foundations, and other funders. Their contributions continue to make a difference in the lives of tens of millions of people in the U.S. and around the world. We are grateful for their support and pleased to recognize them in the listing below, which is updated annually, consistent with the Foundation’s commitment to transparency. The list recognizes cumulative lifetime giving from those who have made contributions to advance any aspect of the Foundation’s mission, including through gifts, grants, memberships, sponsorships, and conference fees. This includes support for the Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton Presidential Center. Current listings include giving through 2020. We thank them all for their generosity.


Displaying 1 - 50 of 179 records.
Donor name
100 Women in Hedgefunds
Absolute Return for Kids (ARK)
Jay Alix
Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) *
Nasser Al-Rashid
Altman/Kazickas Foundation
American Federation of Teachers
Angelopoulos Foundation ^
Gianna Angelopoulos ^
Anheuser-Busch Foundation
Smith and Elizabeth Bagley *
Banc of California ^
Barclays Capital ^
Barclays plc
Laurie and Bill Benenson
Mary Bing and Doug Ellis
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina ^
Richard Blum and Blum Family Foundation
BMU - Federal Ministry for the Environment **
Booz Allen Hamilton ^
Bill Brandt, Patrice Bugelas-Brandt, and Development Specialists, Inc. [Development Specialists, Inc.] *
Carlos Bremer *
Richard Caring
Centene Charitable Foundation *
Gilbert R. Chagoury
Cheniere Energy, Inc. *
Christy and John Mack Foundation
Cisco ^
Gustavo Cisneros & Venevision
Citi Foundation ^
Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund
Stephen J. Cloobeck
Roy E. Cockrum
Victor P. Dahdaleh & The Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Charitable Foundation
Delos Living ^
Desert Classic Charities Inc
Robert Disbrow
Dubai Foundation
Duke Energy Corporation ^
EKTA Foundation *
Exxonmobil ^
Issam M. Fares
Raj Fernando
Ferraro Family Foundation
Fisher Brothers Foundation, Inc.
Joseph T. Ford
Wallace W. Fowler
Friends Of Saudi Arabia


^ Indicates contributions exclusively for CGI activities such as memberships, sponsorships, and conference fees.
* Indicates a contribution was made by this donor in 2020.
** Indicates government grants.