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National Parliament Composition

Made with Flourish

National Poll Average

This poll average is the result of a smoothing cubic spline fitted to our dataset of all national (independent) polls collected in Russia. You can access the complete database of polls at


Head of State (President)Vladimir Putin (~ EPP|ECR|ID)
Head of Government (PM)Mikhail Mishustin (*)
Parties in GovernmentAll-Russian Political Party ‘United Russia’ (YeR ~ EPP|ECR|ID)


Всероссийская политическая партия «Единая Россия» (YeR)
Vserossiyskaya politicheskaya partiya ‘Yedinaya Rossiya’
All-Russian Political Party ‘United Russia’
Leader: Dmitry Medvedev
Orientation: Right-wing, Authoritarian
EP Affiliation: ~ EPP|ECR|ID (NI-PACE; cooperation agreement with EPP Party associated member SNS (Serbia); cooperation agreement with ECR Party member ‘Prosperous Armenia‘; cooperation agreement with ID Party member FPÖ (Austria) and Lega (Italy))

Stance towards President: Supportive

Коммунистическая Партия Российской Федерации (KPRF)
Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii
Communist Party of the Russian Federation
Leader: Gennady Zyuganov
Orientation: Left-wing
EP Affiliation: ~LEFT (IMCWP, UEL, UPC–CPSU)

Stance towards President: Soft Opposition

Либерально-демократическая партия России (LDPR)
Liberalno-demokraticheskaya partiya Rossii
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia
Leader: Vladimir Zhirinovsky
Orientation: Far-right
EP Affiliation: ~NI (NI-PACE)

Stance towards President: Supportive/Soft Opposition

Социалистическая политическая партия «Справедливая Россия — Патриоты — За правду» (SRPZP)
Sotsialisticheskaya politicheskaya partiya ‘Spravedlivaya Rossiya – Patrioty – Za pravdu’
Socialist Political Party ’Just Russia – Patriots – For Truth’
Leaders: Sergey Mironov, Zakhar Prilepin, & Gennady Semgin
Orientation: Left-wing, National Conservative
EP Affiliation: ~LEFT|S&D (NI-PACE with 1/2 PACE members, UEL with 1/2 PACE members, SI, SS-CIS)

Stance towards President: Supportive

Note: Recent Merger of the Spravedlivaya Rossiya (SR~S&D|LEFT), Patrioty Rossii (Patrioty-*), and Za Pravdu (ZP-*) Parties.

Всероссийская политическая партия «Родина» (Rodina)
Vserossiyskaya politicheskaya partiya ‘Rodina’
All-Russian Political Party ‘Motherland’
Leader: Aleksey Zhuravlyov
Orientation: Right-wing, National Conservative
EP Affiliation: *

Stance towards President: Supportive

«Гражданская платформа» (GP)
‘Grazhdanskaya Platforma’
‘Civic Platform’
Leader: Rifat Shaykhutdinov
Orientation: Centre-right
EP Affiliation: *

Stance towards President: Supportive

Российская объединённая демократическая партия «Яблоко» (Yabloko)
Rossiyskaya obyedinyonnaya demokraticheskaya partiya ‘Yabloko’
Russian United Democratic Party ‘Apple’
Leader: Nikolay Rybakov
Orientation: Liberal
EP Affiliation: RE (ALDE Party, LI)

Stance towards President: Hard Opposition

Политическая партия «Новые Люди» (NL)
Politicheskaya partiya ‘Novyye Lyudi’
Political Party ‘New People’
Leader: Aleksey Nechayev
Orientation: Centrist
EP Affiliation: *

Stance towards President: Supportive

Российская партия Пенсионеров за Социальную Справедливость (RPPSS)
Rossiyskaya partiya Pensionerov za Sotsial’nuyu Spravedlivost’
Russian party of Pensioners for Social Justice
Leader: Burakov Yuryevich
Orientation: Centre-right
EP Affiliation: *

Stance towards President: Supportive

Коммунисты России (KR)
Kommunisty Rossii
Communists of Russia
Leader: Maxim Suraykin
Orientation: Far-left
EP Affiliation: *

Stance towards President: Hard Opposition

Зелёная Альтернатива (ZA)
Zelyonaya Al’ternativa
Green Alternative
Leader: Ruslan Khvostov
Orientation: Centre-Left, Green Politics
EP Affiliation: *

Stance towards President: Unclear

Россия Будущего (RB)
Rossiya Budushchego
Russia of the Future
Leader: Alexei Navalny
Orientation: Centre, Liberal
EP Affiliation: *

Stance towards President: Hard Opposition

Партия народной свободы – ПАРНАС (PARNAS)
Partiya narodnoy svobody – PARNAS
Party of Popular Freedom – PARNAS
Leader: Mikhail Kasyanov
Orientation: Centre-Right
EP Affiliation: RE (ALDE Party)

Stance towards President: Hard Opposition

Партия Роста (Rosta)
Partiya Rosta
Party of Growth
Leader: Boris Titov
Orientation: Centre-Right
EP Affiliation: *

Stance towards President: Supportive

Российская Экологическая Партия «Зелёные» (Zelyonyye)
Rossiyskaya Ekologicheskaya Partiya ‘Zelyonyye’
Russian Ecological Party ‘The Greens’
Leader: Anatoliy Panfilov
Orientation: Centre, Green Politics
EP Affiliation: *

Stance towards President: Supportive

Общественное движение «За Новый Социализм» (ZNS)
Obshchestvennoye dvizheniye ‘Za Novyye Sotsializm’
Social Movement ‘For a New Socialism’
Leader: Nikolay Platoshkin
Orientation: Left-wing
EP Affiliation: *

Stance towards President: Hard Opposition

Российская Партия Свободы и Справедливости (RPSS)
Rossiyskaya Partiya Svobody i Spravedlivosti
Russian Party of Freedom and Justice
Leader: Maksim Shevchenko
Orientation: Centre-left
EP Affiliation: *

Stance towards President: Supportive

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