Poultry Sense

Collecting real-time data to inform intelligent on-farm decisions and enhance supply chain visibility

What is Poultry Sense?

Poultry Sense combines a wealth of expertise and evidence with the knowledge of specialist vets, engineers and data analysts to bring together real-time data across both environmental and health parameters to help facilitate improvements in bird performance, economics and welfare.

The wireless system feeds accurate, live data into a bespoke analytics platform that uses artificial intelligence to produce insights assisting in better informed on-farm and supply chain decision making.

How does Poultry Sense work?

Real Time

Real-time data is collected reliably through proven IoT hardware


The gateway collates real-time data and shares this information via the cloud application

Poultry Software

Data is displayed visually in the Poultry Sense software with artificial intelligence designed to help provide insights and learnings from the data

Sense Analytics

Vets interpret the data and communicate the Sense analytics

Why Poultry Sense?

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