Britain between the wars, 1918-1940 (Book, 1971) []
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Britain between the wars, 1918-1940 Preview this item
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Britain between the wars, 1918-1940

Author: Charles Loch Mowat
Publisher: Boston : Beacon Press, 1971.
Series: Beacon paperback, 381; Europe in the twentieth century.
Edition/Format:   Print book : EnglishView all editions and formats

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Genre/Form: History
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Charles Loch Mowat
ISBN: 0807056537 9780807056530
OCLC Number: 1956135
Description: xiv, 694 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.
Backwards or forwards? 1918-1920 --
Retrenchment, 1920-1922 --
Coming to rest: 1922-1925 --
Stability and change: the condition of Britain in the twenties --
The world's workshop on short time --
Dead centre: the general strike and after, 1925-1929 --
The turning point: 1929-1931 --
Sitting it out: economic recovery and political apathy, 1931-1935 --
The secret people and the social conscience: the condition of Britain in the thirties --
Great reversals: 1935-1937 --
Say not the struggle naught availeth: 1937-1940.
Series Title: Beacon paperback, 381; Europe in the twentieth century.
Responsibility: by Charles Loch Mowat.


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