Catch the Vision

What we are offering:

12 one-on-one coaching sessions with Bob Prouty, a disciplemaking practitioner who has received training from Steve Smith, Ying Kai, Jeff Sundell and others.  Bob has a two generation disciplemaking chain in Sydney, Australia and is coaching practioners on several continents. Bob serves with the Global Church Movements team of Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ).

Coaching sessions are approximately 60 minutes in length and will take place over Skype at mutually agreed times.

You can choose the topic for each session from  a problem you are facing, the leadership pathway, or from this list:

  1. Sharpening your vision
  2. Praying for your community
  3. Engaging with Lostness
  4. Identifying Persons of Peace
  5. Sharing the Gospel Effectively
  6. Forming new spiritual communities
  7. Developing spiritual multipliers

What we expect:

The cost is based on the country where you live. First world: $100; others $20 to $50. Payable to the Campus Crusade for Christ ministry in your country. You do not need to pay until after your second coaching appointment.

You will select the topic for each coaching session and communicate this to Bob one week before your coaching time.

You will initiate each coaching session by calling Bob on time. 

You will begin coaching two other people after your 6th coaching session. 

 How to apply

Applications are due by January 20, 2016. Bob will select no more than 10 people to coach by January 22.  Coaching takes place from February 1 to December 1, 2016.

Apply Now