


Exploration licenses

Industrial minerals

Natural stone

Geochemistry database


Prospecting.no is a map service created by the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) and the Directorate of Mining. It provides:

  • Information on Norwegian mineral resources available to mining and exploration companies, prospectors and other users.
  • Easy access to a variety of information from various sources; mineral resources, geology and geophysics (Geological Survey of Norway), exploration and exploitation licenses (Directorate of Mining), protected areas (Directorate of Nature Management) and topography (Norwegian Mapping Authority).
  • Map-views of ore deposits, linked to the mineral resource database at NGU. The database contains information, in variable detail on about 5.000 ore deposits/occurrences; including field descriptions, analytical data and references.

Availability of data, related information and functionality are being continuously upgraded. Help us to improve the service: send your comments to us!

Some of the information is currently available only in Norwegian; for example the legend for geology, protected areas and topography.


The Geological Survey of Norway and the Directorate of Mining with the Commissionaire of mines at Svalbard do not take any responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the information provided on this website.  The data shown might be incorrect due to several reasons and the data is not renewed on a daily base and there might therefore be newer claims and pre-claims not shown on the website. For legally correct data please contact the Directorate of Mining with questions regarding the specific area and the relevant data will be forwarded to you.


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Mineralressurser i Nord-Norge (MINN) er et regjeringsinitiert program for å kartlegge mulighetene for å finne gull og andre mineraler i nord.