
The 2016 election was rigged! Trump didn’t win the majority vote, but the Electoral College rigged the outcome. Foreign interests may also have played a part, neither proven nor disproven yet. However, why wouldn’t an adversary, like Russia, prefer someone like Trump, so ready to be manipulated and so easily fooled?

Then again, to jump to the conclusion that the 2020 election was rigged — against the least qualified, who had already shown his incompetence, shows the insanity of Trump’s gullible followers. His loss was also higher than the last time, while his closest advisors had been telling him beforehand that he would lose. Trump himself was afraid of losing, but kept claiming that the election would be rigged, - months before! Both Trump himself, and the vast majority of Republicans still claim they believe the big lie that he lost the election because somehow, it was rigged against him! Not a shred of evidence, while dozens of lawsuits have failed to show any kind of election fraud, while some Republicans have voted for Trump on behalf of dead relatives.

A year ago we had this horrible insurrectional attempt at overturning the election, still defended and partly explained away by Trump’s followers. Are they simply that stupid, or just incredibly dishonest, or what? And now, at the one-year anniversary for this horrible attack on our democracy, the big lie promoters are still at it. Will this nonsense ever end? Peacefully, or what?

What do they wish to accomplish?

Jorg Aadahl

San Mateo

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(10) comments

Dirk van Ulden

Let's see, this must be the number 49 variance in Bagdad Jorg's repeated diatribe. The DJ editors must be chuckling each time dear old Jorg comes up with yet another regurgitated concoction. Let it be, Jorg!


Wow, Dirk! You are almost as good and supportive of my statements as TY! I feel humbled by such sharp competition, if I may say so!

Terence Y

Ho hum – another week, another JUNC (Jorg’s Unbalanced Nonsense Conniption) letter. Folks let me summarize to save you some time. Jorg can’t document a treasonous Biden accomplishment so he has to distract by belly-aching about our great President Trump.


Thank you, Terence! I know I can always trust you to come out and accentuate whatever subtle point I am making, - in your own so passionate, eloquent manner.

Terence Y

Jorg, my friend, I’m happy to perform a public service summarizing your commentary - in this case, turning a 250-word screed into less than 20. However, people would be appreciative if you contributed something useful to a conversation instead of your living in the past. You could start by answering easy (well, tough for rabid lefties) questions in the future instead of scurrying away. I guess, in a way, that is your answer. I’m looking forward to variant number 50 (hat tip to Mr. van Ulden for providing a rough estimate) of your cut and paste diatribe. BTW, thanks for the one exclamation point, although I’m jealous of Mr. van Ulden, who rated three. Can you toss me one of your flat earth’s next time?

Ray Fowler

It's a new year, Terence... be nice.

I will not address comments to the LTE's writer.

To your point, we have heard the same objections re: the Electoral College many, many times. I find it peculiar the left leaning crowd that insists a president should be elected by a majority of votes cast always seem to skip over Bill Clinton in 1992. His plurality vote was well below a majority of total votes. Why no complaints from either side? Simple... Bill won the Electoral College vote.

The Electoral College has been in place for nearly 218 years, but we certainly hear Dem carping when a Republican with less than a majority (but a greater percentage that Bill's plurality) carries the Electoral College and wins the presidency.

That's what happened in 2016, and we heard plenty of carping from Dems when Donald Trump received less than a majority of votes cast but carried the Electoral College. That may have been the greatest upset in American political history. The Dems candidate... elected twice to the Senate, appointed to the office of Secretary of State, and with the experience of running for president in 2008 LOST to a Republican without elected office or government experience. Ouch!

Now, there is a way for Congress to contest Electoral College votes. That process was in play in 2021 when demonstrators turned into rioters and entered the Capitol. Those rioters should be held accountable; some of them will spend time in prison. Gosh... were there any other objections to Electoral College results? I'm glad I asked... yes. When Republicans carried the Electoral College in 1968 and 2004, the same procedure for presenting an objection to the EC's results was invoked by Dems. In all three cases, Congress accepted... as it should... the results of the EC tally.

Thanks for the opportunity to add to your commentary...

Terence Y

Ray - thanks for your commentary and the EC history. As for it being a new year, maybe calendar-wise, but it seems we’re still getting the same old folks living in the past because they can’t face the present. I’m sure we’ll also continue to get the same old pie-in-the-sky exhortations from the same folks who can’t answer simple questions. Simple questions such as where all this magic electricity will come from if we cut natural gas, such as how housing prices can become affordable when the fees and costs to build housing are so high, such as why “regular” folks should conserve water when the state is flushing 50% of our water out to sea (in addition to not building additional water storage). And those are just three on the list. With all these pie-in-the-sky ideas, I’m happy to highlight shortcomings in my usual genial manner. Oh yes, passionate and elegant manner, too, according to Jorg.

Ray Fowler

Terence... you make me laugh. Thanks.

Yes, you have posed some serious questions that deserve at least some airplay up in Sac-scam- mento. Your topics did get some attention a couple of months ago during the recall, but with a near 2 to 1 advantage, Dems wouldn't answer those questions... they just looked the other way. Then what happened? SB9 and SB10, plus inflation, a return to COVID restrictions and even higher gas prices followed the recall.

It is a new year, and I closed out 2021 on a positive note. Jorg and I exchanged heartfelt holiday greetings on Christmas Day and wishes for a great 2022. I want to stay on that positive note, so I choose to let Jorg's anti-conservative rhetoric alone. However, I do wish he would weigh in on other debates, e.g. the conversation that followed Isabelle's column on sex education over the weekend. I wonder how Norwegians handle that subject in the old country?

Terence Y

Ray, as an aside and speaking of genial, passionate, and elegant, have you had any correspondence with Wilfred? It’s been a few months since I’ve seen any commentary from him. Hey Wilfred, if you’re out there, drop us a few bon mots.

Ray Fowler

This is a new year and let's make it a good one...

I do check in with Wifredo from time to time. Here's the good news... I'm totally stealing Wilfredo's thunder... he is very busy up north and doing well. That being said, he still takes a peek at the DJ's comments section from time to time. He may take a break from shoveling snow to drop us a line... but that kind of depends on how much shoveling (not snow) he sees going on in these pages. Yes, we miss his wit and wisdom... and his genuine caring for others regardless of their political bent.

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