Take control of your privacy.

Protect yourself from malicious internet tracking, ads, web content, and other privacy threats.

We power privacy for over 750 million active users. Easily deploy our powerful device wide technology.

The best privacy apps for Mac and iOS.

  • Block malicious ads and content
  • Stop tracking of your online activity and identity
  • Super simple to use
  • Privacy, peace of mind
  • Better device performance
  • No hassle 30 day cancellation
Proud to partner with industry leaders.
Microsoft logo Mozilla logo Samsung logo Deutsche Telekom logo

Powerful privacy protection with one tap.


The easiest way to take back control.

Disconnect also offers the ability to encrypt your traffic to secure it from unwanted surveillance and mask your IP address when you use public Wi-Fi, travel, or want to keep your online activity more private.

The easiest way to take back control.

Disconnect also offers the ability to encrypt your traffic to secure it from unwanted surveillance and mask your IP address when you use public Wi-Fi, travel, or want to keep your online activity more private.


Tracking of your activity is a data breach.

By the numbers
4K Data brokers worldwide
80% Email addresses on file at TowerData
500M Acxiom has data on 500M customers
38% Americans pay stub info available on Equifax
3K Data points tracked per person by Acxiom
$5.2T Global value at risk from cyberattacks 2019-2023
By the numbers
4K Data brokers worldwide
80% Email addresses on file at TowerData
500M Acxiom has data on 500M customers
38% Americans pay stub info available on Equifax
3K Data points tracked per person by Acxiom
$5.2T Global value at risk from cyberattacks 2019-2023

The internet is under siege.

Accessing and controlling your personal data is big business for criminal hackers, data brokers, and adverse nation-states. Trackers profiting from the collection and sharing of personal information are embedded in 90% of apps, 75% of websites and 25% of emails. These tracker domains are capable of serving malicious ads, content, and malware. All this unwanted traffic presents significant privacy and security threats and also slows you down.

The internet is under siege.

Accessing and controlling your personal data is big business for criminal hackers, data brokers, and adverse nation-states. Trackers profiting from the collection and sharing of personal information are embedded in 90% of apps, 75% of websites and 25% of emails. These tracker domains are capable of serving malicious ads, content, and malware. All this unwanted traffic presents significant privacy and security threats and also slows you down.

How Disconnect protects you.

How Disconnect protects you.

Block malicious ads and content.

block-malicius-ad-contentMalvertisingPhishingCrypto scamsSocial engineering

We stop the start of the attack chain so that threats never have a chance to take advantage of human error or technical limitations. Network requests are blocked completely so ads or content that serves malware, phishing attempts, social engineering, or crypto scams never loads in websites, apps, or email.

Gartner: 99% of cloud security failures will be customer’s fault. Our protection nullifies user targeted threats before they reach your workrforce’s devices. This approach reduces the risk that a user will click on a malicious link, ad, or popup that may eventually lead to a breach. Read the report.
block-malicius-ad-contentMalvertisingPhishingCrypto scamsSocial engineering
prevent-trackingTrackers collect and analyze yourprivate information.Valuable personal profiles linked toreal identity.

Prevent tracking.

prevent-trackingTrackers collect and analyze yourprivate information.Valuable personal profiles linked toreal identity

Data brokers track your online activity including websites visited, apps used, videos watched, purchases, location, and more. This data is connected back to real names and identity. We prevent trackers from collecting sensitive data and connecting online activity back to you through cookies, pixels, IPs, emails, fingerprint data, and other surveillance technologies.

According to Accenture’s Cost of Cybercrime Data theft is the fastest growing and most expensive cybercrime. Your company’s data is the target and money is the primary motivation. Read the report.

Faster, better, safer internet.

DevicesInternetThe content you wantwithout distractions,surveillance, and threats.AutoplayvideosPop upscamsInvasiveadsQuizzesand surveysSocialdistractionsVideo gamesimulations

Most apps and websites are cluttered with third-party requests that slow down load times and put you at risk. Our protection can more than double the speed of page and app loads, declutter the internet, and increase efficiency.

Firefox with our protection loads pages 2.4x faster “It is [Disconnect’s] Tracking Protection that makes the difference as can be seen from the results for Firefox Quantum.” Read the study on Mozilla's blog.
Inneficiency OUT CopyDevicesInternetThe content you wantwithout distractions,surveillance, and threats.AutoplayvideosPop upscamsInvasiveadsQuizzesand surveysSocialdistractionsVideo gamesimulations

Why Disconnect?

Experience and expertise matters.

At Disconnect, we’ve been focused solely on protecting privacy for more than a decade. Our pioneering technology and solutions are proven and trusted by partners like Microsoft and Mozilla as well as millions of users. While security and privacy are not the same, privacy vulnerabilities absolutely impact your security posture.

807 million Monthly active users currently protected by Disconnect.
Tracking requests blocked per year by our protection.
2.4x How much faster web pages and apps load with our protection.
807 million Monthly active users currently protected by Disconnect.
Tracking requests blocked per year by our protection.
2.4x How much faster web pages and apps load with our protection.

What product is right for you?

Protection for your needs

Figuring out privacy on the internet can be complicated. Our products aim to simplify online privacy and offer solutions for everyone. We strive to offer strong protection without hassles, slowdown, or breakage.

Tracker protection single browser
Tracker protection full device
Encrypt DNS
See what you block
Custom blocking
Smart VPN Secure HTTP
Full VPN IP location and masking