The Significance of the Ch'ing Period in Chinese History

  title={The Significance of the Ch'ing Period in Chinese History},
  author={Ping-ti Ho},
  journal={The Journal of Asian Studies},
  • P. Ho
  • Published 1 February 1967
  • History
  • The Journal of Asian Studies
Although the Ch'ing period is generally regarded as one of the better studied and understood periods of Chinese history, the existing fund of our knowledge is actually far from adequate. A systematic discussion of the significance of the entire period from 1644 to 1912 would require a large number of articles, monographs, and fresh syntheses. Since the purpose of this paper is merely to stimulate further discussion and research, I hope to be excused for making a few highly tentative… 
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  • History
    The Journal of Asian Studies
  • 2000
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