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Fucking Golden
Consolation Pony
sunnycamehome2u wrote in fail_fandomanon
If I were to consider auctioning off the position of sunnycamehome2u (aka Ur Sunny) to the highest bidder, what would you be willing to pay? Because the job is fucking golden, and worth at least two or three million USD. Serious enquiries only please.

All the fail_fandomanon Rules: http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/18405.html

The short version: no embeds, don't out people's real names, don't be that much of an asshole, body fluids are off topic, mods reserve the right to delete the fuck out of stuff. Meme away.

Other posts and resources relevant to your interests: 
Flat Meme:http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/24177.html?view=flat

Next post: http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/24344.html Will be opened at the 5000 comment mark.

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Re: The worst block of tags I've ever seen

I hate it when people make long, "clever" tags on AO3. Those tags are actually designed to help you find fics and idenitfy the content. It's not your Tumblr.

Re: The worst block of tags I've ever seen

But that's the problem with the freeform tags; they are simultaneously presented as personal expression for the authors that cannot be touched or questioned even if it's unwranglable or obviously a typo, and a rational structure to find fic with. It's an incoherently thought out system.

If AO3 were at all sane and sensible, they'd have a canonical set of tags for indexing and then a freeform area.

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