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Productive features of broiler chickens in hot weather: Effects of strain and sex


Abstract and Figures

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the performance of broiler strains (Cobb 500, Ross 308, and Hubbard Flex) in hot weather. Environmental temperatures above thermal comfort trigger responses of the animals to maintain homeothermia, which negatively affects productive performance. A total of 2,160 chicks of both sexes, were distributed in an experimental design that was completely randomized in a factorial arrangement of 3 × 2 (strains and sexes) with six replicates of 60 birds each. Feed intake (FI), live weight (LW), weight gain (WG), and feed conversion (FC) were analyzed at periods of 1–7, 1–21, 1–28, 1–42, and 1–49 days old. At 42 and 49 days old, the carcass weight (CW), carcass yield (CY), breast yield (BY), thigh yield (TY), and drumstick yield (DY) were analyzed. The strains differed in LW and WG in most periods, especially for Cobb broilers in the pre-start period (1–7 days) and Hubbard broilers in the last two periods (1–42 and 1–49 days). Except for the pre-initial stage, which there was no influence of the strains on FC, the Hubbard broilers showed the best FC, at 1–49 d, similarly to Cobb broilers. Regardless of strain, the males showed superior performance to that of females. At 42 d, the Cobb broilers showed a superior BY to that of the other strains, presenting better TY than did the Ross and Hubbard strains. At 49 d, the Cobb and Ross strains showed the best BY, with the Hubbard strain having the greatest DY. Males showed higher values in cut yields, except in the BY in which females showed better results.
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Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Received: Apr. 22, 2017 - Approved: Dec. 13, 2017
DOI: 10.5433/1679-0359.2018v39n2p731
Productive features of broiler chickens in hot weather: effects of
strain and sex
Características produtivas de frangos de corte: efeito da linhagem e
Dáphinne Cardoso Nagib do Nascimento1*; Leilane Rocha Barros Dourado2;
Jefferson Costa de Siqueira3; Stélio Bezerra Pinheiro de Lima2; Melina da
Conceição Macêdo da Silva1; Gabriela Gome da Silva1; Nilva Kazue Sakomura4;
Guilherme José Bolzani de Campos Ferreira2; Daniel Biagiotti2
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the performance of broiler strains (Cobb 500, Ross
308, and Hubbard Flex) in hot weather. Environmental temperatures above thermal comfort trigger
responses of the animals to maintain homeothermia, which negatively affects productive performance.
A total of 2,160 chicks of both sexes, were distributed in an experimental design that was completely
randomized in a factorial arrangement of 3 × 2 (strains and sexes) with six replicates of 60 birds each.
Feed intake (FI), live weight (LW), weight gain (WG), and feed conversion (FC) were analyzed at
periods of 1–7, 1–21, 1–28, 1–42, and 1–49 days old. At 42 and 49 days old, the carcass weight (CW),
carcass yield (CY), breast yield (BY), thigh yield (TY), and drumstick yield (DY) were analyzed. The
strains differed in LW and WG in most periods, especially for Cobb broilers in the pre-start period (1–7
days) and Hubbard broilers in the last two periods (1–42 and 1–49 days). Except for the pre-initial stage,
which there was no inuence of the strains on FC, the Hubbard broilers showed the best FC, at 1–49
d, similarly to Cobb broilers. Regardless of strain, the males showed superior performance to that of
females. At 42 d, the Cobb broilers showed a superior BY to that of the other strains, presenting better
TY than did the Ross and Hubbard strains. At 49 d, the Cobb and Ross strains showed the best BY, with
the Hubbard strain having the greatest DY. Males showed higher values in cut yields, except in the BY
in which females showed better results.
Key words: Carcass yield. Genetics. Poultry industry.
Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho das linhagens de frangos de corte (Cobb 500, Ross 308 e Hubbard
Flex) criadas em clima quente. Temperatura ambientais acima do conforto térmico desencadeiam
respostas dos animais para a manutenção da homeotermia em detrimento do desempenho produtivo.
Foram utilizados 2160 aves, de ambos os sexos, distribuídas em delineamento experimental inteiramente
casualizado em esquema fatorial 3 x 2 (linhagem e sexo) com seis repetições de 60 aves cada. Foi
avaliado o consumo de ração (CR), ganho de peso (GP), conversão alimentar (CA) e peso vivo (PV),
1 Discentes, Universidade Federal do Piauí, UFPI, Teresina/Bom Jesus, PI, Brasil. E-mail:; melinacms@;
2 Profs., UFPI, Bom Jesus, PI, Brasil. E-mail:;;;
3 Prof., Universidade Federal do Maranhão, UFMA, Chapadinha, MA, Brasil. E-mail:
4 Profª, Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil. E-mail:
* Author for correspondence
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Nascimento, do D. C. N. et al.
nos períodos de 1 a 7, 1 a 21, 1 a 28, 1 a 42 e 1 a 49 dias. Aos 42 e 49 dias foram avaliados o peso de
carcaça (CAR), rendimento de carcaça (RC), rendimento de peito (RP), rendimento de coxa (RCX) e
rendimento de sobrecoxa (RSC). As linhagens diferiram em PV e GP na maioria dos períodos, com
destaque para as aves da linhagem Cobb no período pré-inicial (1 a 7 dias) e as aves Hubbard nos dois
últimos períodos. Com exceção à fase pré-inicial em que não houve inuência das linhagens sobre a
CA, as aves Hubbard apresentaram a melhor CA, sendo esta no período de 1 a 49 dias semelhante às
aves Cobb. Independente da linhagem, os machos apresentaram desempenho superior em relação às
fêmeas. Aos 42 dias as aves Cobb apresentaram RP superior às demais linhagens, sendo o melhor RCX
apresentado pelas aves Ross e Hubbard. Aos 49 dias as linhagens Cobb e Ross apresentaram o melhor
RP, sendo o maior RSC exibido pela linhagem Hubbard. Os machos tiveram valores superiores nos
rendimentos de corte, com exceção no RP em que as fêmeas demonstraram melhores resultados.
Palavras-chave: Avicultura. Linhagens. Rendimento de carcaça.
For decades, those involved in the production
chain of broiler chickens have been concerned with
the potential for growth and body conformation of
poultry, since these characteristics are related to the
efciency and protability of the poultry sector.
Genetic enhancements have resulted in the current
broiler chicken strains, which are characterized by
faster weight gain and better feed conversion.
Broiler chicken have been successfully
commercialized, including live chickens and
industrialized products. In Brazil, among the
exported products, cuts represent 57.7% and whole
chickens 32.6%, followed by processed products
(ABEF, 2016). The diversity of chicken meat supply
has driven the present production to develop strains
that meet market needs.
Broiler farms comprise different strains, each
one presenting unique development and production
characteristics. However, for them to realize their
performance potential and carcass characteristics,
it is necessary to meet the requirements of these
animals, since growth and muscular development
are inuenced by factors such as nutrition,
environmental conditions, disease, and housing
density (HRUBY et al., 1994).
A limiting factor in the production of broiler
chickens in Brazil is the climate, characterized by
high ambient temperatures and relative humidity
in most regions, and it is necessary to modify the
environment to modulate the microclimate inside
aviaries, and thus minimize the negative effects
of heat stress and decrease the thermal amplitude,
which can be as detrimental to birds as heat
(DONALD, 1997).
The investment cost in facilities and equipment
of ambience is high and may be impractical for
some breeders, which consequently may not provide
the birds with a controlled thermal environment to
maximize their productive potential.
An alternative for producers would be to use
more heat resistant strains, and according to Deeb
and Cahaner (2001), this resistance can occur
naturally in the environment, through breeding
strains originating from hot regions or developed by
articial selection.
The performance and carcass characteristics
of modern broiler strains maintained within their
thermal comfort zones have been described, but
this information does not include bird development
under different climatic conditions. Where birds are
not kept in a suitably controlled environment, they
may perform poorly as expected, as they are not in
thermal comfort and need to be slaughtered over 42
days of age. Therefore, the objective of the present
study was to evaluate the performance and some
carcass characteristics of broiler chickens from
different strains and sexes, reared under heat stress
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Productive features of broiler chickens in hot weather: effects of strain and sex
Materials and Methods
The experiment was carried out from March
11 to April 29, 2014 in the Poultry Sector of the
Technical College of Bom Jesus, Campus Professor
Cinobelina Elvas, Federal University of Piauí,
located in the municipality of Bom Jesus, PI (09°
04′ 26″ S, 44° 21′ 32″ W), with an average altitude
of 277 m. According to the climatic classication
of Köppen, the climate of the region falls into the
type Aw, considered a tropical zone with dry winters
(ALVARES et al., 2013).
For this study, we used 2,160 broilers, half of each
sex, from three breeding ocks: Ross 308, Cobb 500,
and Hubbard Flex at 42, 37, and 38 weeks of age,
respectively. The hatching eggs of the respective
strains were purchased from breeder farms located
in the states of Ceará, Minas Gerais, and Goiás, and
transported in suitable trucks to Teresina, PI, where
they were incubated. After reception, the eggs were
processed under similar conditions and incubated
in a Coopermaq brand hatchery. Sexing through
wing feather examination was performed in the
hatchery, and the birds were transported and housed
approximately 15 hours after hatching.
The birds were weighed and distributed in 36 2
m2 pens, at a stocking density of 30 birds/m2, in an
experimental shed 26 m long by 8 m wide, covered
with ceramic tiles, with a 3 m right foot, equipped
with movable yellow side curtains to aid in the
control of the ambience.
Each pen was tted with a bell water drinker,
cylinder feeder, and 50 watt incandescent bulb for
heating. Environmental temperatures and relative
humidity (maximum and minimum) were recorded
daily using a thermo-hygrometer located in the
geometric center of the shed, at the life zone height.
To evaluate the thermal comfort each week, the
thermal comfort index enthalpy (comfort index
enthalpy - CIE) was determined, based on the
following formula:
H = 6,7 + 0,243*Tbs + {UR / 100* 10^7,5 * Tbs
/ 237,3 + Tbs}
where: H is the enthalpy (kcal/kg of dry air), Tbs is
the dry bulb temperature (°C), and UR is the relative
humidity of the air (%). The result was multiplied by
4.18 for the unit of measurement (kJ). The enthalpy
values are divided into four bands represented by
four colors: comfort (green), alert (yellow), critical
(orange), and lethal (red) (BARBOSA FILHO et
al., 2007). As enthalpy tables were available for
data until the sixth week, in the present study, for
the evaluation of the thermal comfort in the seventh
week, data for enthalpy in the sixth week were used
as a reference.
The experimental design was completely
randomized in the following factorial arrangement:
3 × 2 (strains and sexes), 6 treatments, with six
replicates of 60 birds each, and the initial mean
weights (± s) of the Cobb, Ross and Hubbard strains
were: 40.4 ± 0.03; 41.4 ± 0.10, and 42.2 ± 0.12 g for
males, and 40.4 ± 0.05; 39.7 ± 0.13, and 41.3 ± 0.14
g for females, respectively.
Diets based on corn and soybean meal were
formulated to provide the nutritional requirements of
male broilers with superior performance according
to the recommendations of Rostagno et al. (2011)
(Table 1). The feeding program consisted of four
diets according to the age of the birds: 1–7, 8–21,
22–42, and 43–49 d. The animals had free access to
water and feed throughout the experimental period.
The light program during the experimental
period consisted of 23 h (natural + articial light)
until d 7, 20 h (natural + articial light) from d 8 to
42, then increased to 22 h (natural + articial light)
At d 7, 21, 28, 42, and 49, all birds and left over
rations from each experimental unit were weighed
to evaluate the performance characteristics. The
variables analyzed were weight gain (WG), feed
intake (FI), feed conversion (FC), and live weight
(LW). Mortality was recorded daily, and the
subsequent calculation of the average feed intake and
feed conversion was determined (SAKOMURA;
ROSTAGNO, 2016).
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Nascimento, do D. C. N. et al.
At d 42 and 49, three birds with body weights
close to the average of the pen (± 10%) were fasted
for 6 h and slaughtered to determine eviscerated
carcass weight (CW), carcass yield (CY), breast
yield (BY), thigh yield (TY), and drumstick yield
(DY). CY was calculated based on the relationship
between CW (without feathers, viscera, feet, head,
and neck) and LW. The parts yield was calculated
based on the ratio between the cut weight and CW.
Table 1. Ingredients and nutrient composition of the feeds used in the trial.
Ingredient (%) 1–7 8–21 22–42 43–49
Corn 48.738 54.589 58.803 63.427
Soybean meal 43.826 37.994 33.214 28.929
Soybean oil 3.439 3.718 4.772 4.956
Dicalcium phosphate 1.880 1.518 1.198 0.990
Limestone 0.779 0.814 0.732 0.653
Salt 0.452 0.482 0.452 0.432
Mineral and Vitamin Premix1,2,3,4 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.200
DL-Methionine (99%) 0.306 0.29 0.256 0.225
L-Lysine HCL (78,5) 0.136 0.158 0.152 0.169
L-Threonine (99%) 0.044 0.037 0.021 0.019
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Nutritional composition
ME (kcal/kg) 2.960 3.050 3.175 3.250
Crude protein (%) 24.00 22.00 20.25 18.64
Calcium (%) 0.920 0.841 0.711 0.614
Available phosphorus (%) 0.470 0.401 0.332 0.286
Sodium (%) 0.220 0.210 0.198 0.190
Digestible lysine (%) 1.324 1.217 1.096 1.006
Digestible methionine (%) 0.615 0.579 0.525 0.477
Digestible methionine + cistyne (%) 0.953 0.876 0.800 0.734
Digestible threonine (%) 0.861 0.791 0.712 0.654
Digestible tryptophan (%) 0.283 0.249 0.223 0.201
Digestible valine (%) 1.024 0.936 0.855 0.785
Crude ber (%) 3.437 2.958 2.778 2.631
Provided per kg of product 1(pre-starter): folic acid – 200 mg; biotin-10 mg; chloro hydroxyquinoline -7,500 mg: zn – 17.50 g; vit.
A – 1,680,000 UI; vit. B1 – 436.50 mg; vit. B12- 2,400 mg; vit. B2 – 1,200 mg; vit. B6 - 624 mg; vit. D3 – 400,000 UI; vit. E –
3,500 UI; vit. K 3 – 360 mg; niacin – 8,399 mg; nicarbazin - 25 g: pantothenic acid – 3,120 mg; choline – 78.10 g; Se - 75 mg; Fe
11.25 g; mn – 18.74 g; Cu -1,997 mg; I – 187 mg. 2(starter): folic acid – 199 mg; biotin - 10 mg; chloro hydroxyquinoline – 7,500
mg; Zn – 17.50 g; vit. A – 1,680,000 UI; vit. B1 – 436.50 mg; vit. B12 – 2,400 mg; vit. B2 – 1,200 mg; vit. B6 – 624 mg; vit. D3 –
400,000 UI; vit. E – 3500 UI; vit. K 3 – 360 mg; niacin – 8400 mg; monensina -25 g; pantothenic acid – 3119 mg; choline – 80.71
g; Se – 75 mg; Fe 11.25 g; Mn – 18.74 g; Cu – 1996 mg; I – 187.47 mg. 3(grower): folic acid – 162.50 mg; chloro hydroxyquinoline
– 7,500 mg: Zn – 17.50 g; vit. A – 1,400,062.50 UI; vit. B1 – 388 mg; vit. B12 - 2,000 mg; vit. B2 – 1,000 mg; vit. B6 - 520 mg;
vit. D3 – 360,012 UI; vit. E - 2500 UI; vit. K 3 – 300 mg; niacin – 7000 mg; salinomycin – 16.50 g: pantothenic acid – 2600 mg;
choline – 71.59 g; Se – 75 mg; Fe 11.25 g; Mn – 18.74 g; Cu – 1996 mg; I – 187.47 mg. 4(nisher): folic acid – 162.50 mg; zinc
oxide – 17.500 mg; Se – 75 mg; vit. A – 140,000 UI; vit. B1 – 388 mg; vit. B12 – 2,000 mg; vit. B2 – 1,000 mg; vit. B6 - 520 mg;
vit. D3 – 1,600 UI; vit. E - 2500 mg; vit. K 3 – 300 mg; Zn - 70 ppm; niacin – 7,000 mg; pantothenic acid – 2,600 mg; choline –
71,593.49 mg; Fe 11.250 mg; Mn – 18.750 mg; Cu - 2000 mg; I – 187.50 mg, antioxidant additive – 25,000 mg; halquinol 7,500
mg; salinomycin – 16,500 mg.
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Productive features of broiler chickens in hot weather: effects of strain and sex
The performance data and carcass characteristics
of the birds, referring to the different evaluation
periods were initially submitted to normality
tests (Cramer-Von Mises) and homoscedasticity
(Levene); and once these assumptions were
met, they were submitted to analysis of variance
according to the statistical model:
Yij(k) = μ + Straini + Sexj + Strain × Sexij + ϵij(k)
where Yij(k)= FI, WG, FC, LW, CW, CY, BY, TY,
and DY of birds of the i-th lineage in the jth sex; μ
= overall mean effect; Straini = i-th lineage effect;
Sexj = jth sex effect; Strain × Sexij = interaction
effect between ith Strain and jth Sex, and eij(k) =
experimental error. Subsequently, the means of the
analyzed variables were analyzed by the SNK test
(P ≤ 0.05), using SAS 9.0 Software (SAS Institute,
2002), through the “GLM” procedure.
Results and Discussion
The mean, minimum, and maximum
temperatures and average relative humidity inside
the room during the experimental period were 28.1
± 0.7; 22.0 ± 1.2; 34.2 ± 0.9; and 73.6 ± 13.7%,
The mean and maximum temperatures recorded
from the second week of life were above the
recommended comfort temperatures in the strains
manuals, which indicate temperatures below 26
°C from 18 d of age (COBB, 2005; HUBBARD,
2007; ROSS, 2012). Minimum periods on most
experimental days were observed at about 5:00
and the duration of the mild temperature over a
24 h period was short. The thermal comfort index
enthalpy indicated that the birds were only in thermal
comfort in the second week of life (green band),
being in the lower and upper alert range (yellow)
in the rst and third week, respectively. After the
third week, the birds were in a critical environment
(orange band), which possibly inuenced their
performance (Table 2).
Table 2. Minimum, maximum, and mean environmental temperature (°C) and relative humidity (%), standard
deviation, and enthalpy comfort index (ECI) weekly, during the period from March 11 to April 29, 2014.
Temperature (°C) Relative humidity (%) IEC (KJ/Kg dry air)
Minimum Maximum Mean Minimum Maximum Mean
1 to 7 23.3 34.2 28.75 ± 0.1 63.0 82.1 72.5 ± 0.3 76.81
8 to 14 22.9 34.0 28.45 ± 0.1 63.0 81.9 72.4 ± 0.4
15 to 21 21.1 34.9 28.00 ± 0.1 63.1 84.1 73.6 ± 0.2
22 to 28 22.4 34.1 28.25 ± 0.3 65.3 84.8 75.0 ± 2.1
29 to 35 22.1 34.0 28.05 ± 0.3 69.4 87.6 78.5 ± 0.8
36 to 42 20.5 34.4 27.45 ± 0.1 57.1 84.8 70.9 ± 2.4
43 to 49 21.5 33.4 27.45 ± 0.3 48.6 87.1 67.8 ± 3.2
No interactions (P > 0.05) between strains and sex
were observed for any of the performance variables
evaluated in the pre-initial period (1–7 d) (Table 3),
indicating that these factors act independently. It
was observed that the strains inuenced (P < 0.05)
the FI, WG, and LW, whereas the sex inuenced
(P < 0.05) the WG and LW of the birds, without
inuence (P > 0.05) of strains or sex on the FC in
the pre-initial period.
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Nascimento, do D. C. N. et al.
Ross FI was similar to that of the Cobb and
Hubbard strains, Cobb consumption being 6.1%
higher than that of Hubbard. Stringuini et al. (2003),
when comparing the performance of four broiler
strains, did not observe differences in FI between
Cobb and Ross strains in the rst week of life,
corroborating the results of the present study.
The Cobb strain presented a superior WG to that
of the Hubbard (8.9%) and Ross (3.8%) strains,
being 4.9% superior to that of Hubbard. The effect
of strains on the WG of birds at 1– 7 d was found
by Abdullah et al. (2010), who veried that the
Hubbard Classic strain presented superior WG in
relation to Ross and Hubbard JV strains. Similarly
to WG, the Cobb strain had a higher LW than the
Hubbard (5.3%) and Ross (3.3%) strains, which
was 2.1% higher than Hubbard.
Table 3. Mean of feed consumption (FI), weight gain (WG), live weight (LW), and feed conversion (FC) of different
strains of males and females at 1–7 d of age.
Variable Sex
Strain (St) Probability
Cobb Ross Hubbard Mean CV (%) St S StxS
FI (kg) Male 0.123 0.121 0.111 0.118 5.40 0.035 0.313 0.068
Female 0.118 0.114 0.116 0.116
Mean 0.121a 0.117ab 0.114b
WG (Kg) Male 0.113 0.108 0.101 0.107A 3.36 < 0.001 0.006 0.109
Female 0.107 0.104 0.101 0.104B
Mean 0.110a 0.106b 0.101c
Male 0.154 0.149 0.143 0.149A 2.55 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.175
LW (kg) Female 0.147 0.143 0.142 0.144B
Mean 0.151a 0.146b 0.143c
FC Male 1.089 1.121 1.099 1.103 5.77 0.629 0.455 0.411
Female 1.107 1.102 1.148 1.119
Mean 1.098 1.111 1.123
Mean followed by a common letter, lowercase in the row and uppercase in the column, do not differ statistically according to the
SNK test (P > 0.05).
No effects of strain (P > 0.05) on FC were
observed, despite differences found between FI and
strains, showing that in the pre-initial period, Cobb,
Ross, and Hubbard birds gained weight with similar
efciencies. Considering the sex, it was observed
that males presented higher WG (2.9%) and LW
(3.4%) than that of females, independent of the
strain, corroborating with the results of Stringuini
et al. (2003) who observed that WG and LW of
male broilers of the Ross, Cobb, Avian Farms, and
Arbor Acres strains at 1–7 d were 3.6% and 2.8%,
respectively, higher than that of females.
According to Yassin et al. (2009) the main
morphophysiological changes of the digestive,
immunological, and thermoregulatory systems
occur in the rst seven days of life of the birds,
which supports the importance of this period for
their development. In addition to these factors,
the rapid growth of broilers reduces the time of
poultry in the eld, thus increasing the importance
of satisfactory performance in the rst week after
hatching. However, each strain has a growth
potential over a specic period (GOLIOMYTIS et
al., 2003; SANTOS et al., 2005); thus, a greater live
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Productive features of broiler chickens in hot weather: effects of strain and sex
weight or weight gain from one strain to another in
the pre-initial period may not translate into greater
growth over the life of the bird.
No interactions (P > 0.05) between strain and sex
were observed for any of the performance variables
evaluated in the period of 1–21 d (Table 4), in which
FI and FC were inuenced by the strain (P < 0.05).
The performance variables were inuenced by sex
(P < 0.05), with the exception of FC (P > 0.05).
The birds of the Ross strain had FI that was
higher by 1.4% and 3.4% than that of the birds of
the Cobb and Hubbard strains, respectively, and the
FI of the Hubbard birds was 2.0% lower than that
of the Cobb birds. Abdullah et al. (2010) in a study
with four strains at 14–21 d, found differences in
FI, where the FI of the Ross birds was 12.3% higher
than that of the Hubbard JV birds. The absence of
effect of the strains on WG and LW agrees with the
results of Farran et al. (2000) when evaluating the
performance of three broiler strains (Arbor Acres,
Lohman, and Ross) at 1–21 d, nding no strain
effect on LW.
The Hubbard birds presented a lower FC than
those of the Cobb and Ross strains, which showed
similarities. Although there were no differences in
WG between the strains at 1–21 d, the lower FI of
Hubbard than Cobb and Ross strains, resulted in
improved FC, indicating greater growth of Hubbard
birds between d 7 and 21, since the birds of the
Hubbard strain presented inferior WG and LW in
the pre-initial period (1–7 d).
Table 4. Mean of feed consumption (FI), weight gain (WG), live weight (LW), and feed conversion (FC) of different strains of
males and females at 1–21 d of age.
Variable Sex
Strain (St) Probability
Cobb Ross Hubbard Mean CV (%) St S StxS
FI (kg) Male 0.982 0.992 0.961 0.978A 1.32 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.795
Female 0.930 0.946 0.914 0.930B
Mean 0.956b 0.969a 0.937c
WG (Kg) Male 0.677 0.673 0.693 0.681A 2.92 0.238 < 0.001 0.483
Female 0.637 0.647 0.648 0.644B
Mean 0.657 0.660 0.670
Male 0.718 0.715 0.735 0.722A 2.76 0.172 < 0.001 0.517
LW(kg) Female 0.677 0.687 0.689 0.684B
Mean 0.697 0.701 0.712
FC Male 1.451 1.474 1.388 1.438 2.49 < 0.001 0.578 0.533
Female 1.462 1.462 1.411 1.445
Mean 1.456a 1.468a 1.399b
Mean followed by a common letter, lowercase in the row and uppercase in the column, do not differ statistically according to the
SNK test (P > 0.05).
Analyzing the sex, the males showed a higher
FI by 5.2%; WG by 5.7%, and LW by 5.6% than
females; corroborating with the results of Moreira
et al. (2004), who also observed a higher FI (8.9%)
and WG (9.8%) of the males based on both sexes of
three broiler strains (Ross, Cobb, and Hybro).
No interactions (P > 0.05) between strain and sex
were observed for any of the performance variables
for 1–28 d (Table 5). Similarly to the previous
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Nascimento, do D. C. N. et al.
period (1–21 days), Ross birds presented the highest
FI, which was 3.1% and 1.9% higher than that of
the Cobb and Hubbard birds, respectively, and there
were no differences between Cobb and Hubbard
birds. The superiority of the Ross strain did extend to
WG and LW, as these were similar to those observed
in the Cobb and Hubbard strains. However, despite
the similarity in FI of the Cobb and Hubbard birds,
the latter presented WG (4.6%) and LW (4.5%)
higher than the Cobb birds, suggesting a higher WG
efciency of Hubbard birds. It was observed that the
birds of the Hubbard strain presented the best FC,
3.3% higher than Cobb, and 4.3% higher than Ross
birds, with no differences between these strains.
The CR, GP, and PV values of the birds at 1–28
d were lower than the reference values presented
in the guidelines of the lines, with Cobb, Ross, and
Hubbard strains having higher PVs by 35%, 27%,
20%, respectively, than birds of the respective
lineages in the present study (HUBBARD, 2007;
COBB, 2005; ROSS, 2012), and this inferiority
may be attributed to the high environmental
temperatures during the experimental period, with
averages above the comfort range for birds from the
second week of life.
Several authors have reported reduced
consumption and decreased performance of broiler
chickens exposed to heat stress (OLIVEIRA et al.,
The analysis of the performance of the three
strains during 1–7, 1–21, and 1–28 d suggested that
birds of the Cobb strain showed higher sensitivity
to high environmental temperatures than Ross and
Hubbard birds, since 1–7 d Cobb birds showed
higher WG and LW, and in subsequent periods, the
superiority of these variables was not maintained.
Table 5. Mean of feed consumption (FI), weight gain (WG), live weight (LW), and feed conversion (FC) of different
strains of males and females at 1–28 d of age.
Variable Sex
Strain (St) Probability
Cobb Ross Hubbard Mean CV (%) St S StxS
FI (kg) Male 1.643 1.695 1.669 1.669A 2.26 0.008 < 0.001 0.875
Female 1.537 1.584 1.548 1.556B
Mean 1.590b 1.639a 1.608b
WG (Kg) Male 1.086 1.114 1.143 1.114A 3.17 0.006 < 0.001 0.797
Female 1.002 1.017 1.040 1.020B
Mean 1.044b 1.066ab 1.092a
Male 1.127 1.156 1.186 1.156A 3.06 0.005 < 0.001 0.765
Female 1.042 1.057 1.082 1.060B
Mean 1.084b 1.106ab 1.133a
FC Male 1.513 1.522 1.460 1.498B 1.95 < 0.001 0.006 0.835
Female 1.535 1.558 1.488 1.527A
Mean 1.524a 1.540a 1.474b
Mean followed by a common letter, lowercase in the row and uppercase in the column, do not differ statistically according to the
SNK test (P > 0.05).
In relation to sex, the same tendency of the
previous period was also observed, with males
presenting higher FI (6.8%), WG (8.5%), and LW
(8.3%) values than that of females, presenting an
improvement of 1.9% in FC. Males presented a
higher growth rate and body protein deposition
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Productive features of broiler chickens in hot weather: effects of strain and sex
(MARCATO et al., 2008), indicating a higher feed
intake and lower feed conversion than females.
The comparison of the performance
characteristics between the sexes from d 21 is an
important tool for the poultry industry. Some markets,
such as the Middle East, require a differentiated
product obtained by slaughtering poultry aged 25
to 33 d with an average slaughter weight of 1.450
kg (SANDI, 2011). In this type of production
where the birds are slaughtered younger, females
are commonly used, since the abundant production
of females of advanced ages is not feasible owing
to a greater deposition of body fat in relation to
males, and consequently a higher feed conversion.
However, the use of male chickens for this type of
production can be indicated for hot regions and for
sheds with limited technology in ambience control,
because with increased age the birds become more
sensitive to high ambient temperatures, with a
possible decrease in performance and increase
in mortality risk, highlighting the importance of
studies that assess the effects of strains and sex
under hot weather conditions.
During 1–42 d, no interactions (P > 0.05)
between strain and sex were observed for any of the
performance variables, with strain and sex effects
(P < 0.05) for the performance variables evaluated,
except for FI that did not have a strain effect (P >
0.05) (Table 6).
The Hubbard birds showed a higher WG of 8.2%
in relation to the Cobb birds and 5.0% in relation
to the Ross birds, with no differences between the
Cobb and Ross strains. However, Moreira et al.
(2004) working with the Cobb, Ross, and Hybro
strains observed that the Ross birds presented a
3.1% higher WG than the Cobb birds.
Table 6. Mean of feed consumption (FI), weight gain (WG), live weight (LW), and feed conversion (FC) of different
strains of males and females at 1– 42 d of age.
Variable Sex
Strain (St) Probability
Cobb Ross Hubbard Mean CV (%) St S StxS
FI (kg) Male 3.364 3.441 3.382 3.396A 4.20 0.384 0.008 0.309
Female 3.208 3.234 3.349 3.256B
Mean 3.286 3.337 3.365
WG (Kg) Male 1.904 2.012 2.081 1.999A 4.30 0.004 < 0.001 0.310
Female 1.794 1.798 1.918 1.836B
Mean 1.849b 1.905b 2.000a
LW (kg)
Male 1.944 2.054 2.124 2.041A 4.21 0.004 < 0.001 0.302
Female 1.835 1.838 1.960 1.877B
Mean 1.890b 1.945b 2.041a
FC Male 1.769 1.711 1.626 1.702B 4.09 0.009 0.003 0.217
Female 1.788 1.803 1.746 1.779A
Mean 1.779a 1.757a 1.686b
Mean followed by a common letter, lowercase in the row and uppercase in the column, do not differ statistically according to the
SNK test (P > 0.05).
Following the trend of WG, the Hubbard birds
presented a higher LW than the Cobb (8.0%) and
Ross (4.9%) birds. Mehaffey et al. (2006) in a
comparative study with ve broiler strains at 42
d of age observed similarities between the LW of
four genetic groups, with the highest LW strain
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Nascimento, do D. C. N. et al.
being 5.8% higher than the average LW of the other
strains. The best FC observed during 1–42 d of age
was obtained in the birds of the Hubbard line, being
5.2% and 4.0% superior to the birds of the Cobb
and Ross strains, respectively, and no differences
were observed between them. The males presented
the highest FI (4.3%), WG (8.9%), and LW (8.4%),
and better FC (4.3%) than that of females. Moreira
et al. (2004) in a study with Cobb, Ross, and Hybro
strains from 1 to 42 d of age, also observed higher
FI (12.4%) and WG (17.4%) in males than that in
females, accompanied by an improved FI (4.3%). In
another study, Brewer et al. (2012), comparing the
effects of four strains and sex on broiler chickens,
observed that the LW of males, regardless of strains,
was 13.6% higher than that of females.
During 1–49 d, no interactions (P > 0.05)
between strain and sex were observed for any of the
performance variables (P < 0.05) (Table 7). Cobb
FI was 5.2% and 3.9% lower than that in birds of
the Hubbard and Ross strains, respectively, and
there were no differences between them. Similarly,
Flemming et al. (1999) studied different broiler
strains (Cobb, Hubbard, Ross, Arbor, and Isa) from
1 to 47 d of age and observed that Cobb birds also
had a lower intake than Hubbard (2.1%) and Ross
(0.2%) birds, nding no differences between the
two latter strains.
The Hubbard birds presented higher WG by 9.3%
and 6.6% than Cobb and Ross birds, respectively,
and there were no differences between these two
latter strains. The Hubbard birds presented the
highest LW, 9,2% and 6,5% superior to that of Cobb
and Ross strains, respectively. As observed in the
previous periods, the LW of the birds at 49 d was
lower than that recommended by the companies
supplying the strains, which according to Cobb,
Ross, and Hubbard manuals suggested live weights
at 49 days of 3,786 3,695, and 3,076 kg (HUBBARD,
2007; COBB, 2005; ROSS, 2012), respectively.
These differences were probably owing to the
sensitivity to high environmental temperatures, as a
consequence of the reduction in the FI and decrease
in the WG of the birds.
Table 7. Mean of feed consumption (FI), weight gain (WG), live weight (LW), and feed conversion (FC) of different
strains of males and females at 1–49 d of age.
Variable Sex
Strain (St) Probability
Cobb Ross Hubbard Mean CV (%) St S StxS
FI (kg) Male 4.143 4.348 4.339 4.276A 3.43 0.002 0.001 0.522
Female 3.982 4.108 4.234 4.108B
Mean 4.062b 4.228a 4.286a
WG (Kg) Male 2.365 2.467 2.617 2.483A 4.35 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.507
Female 2.218 2.231 2.391 2.280B
Mean 2.291b 2.349b 2.504a
LW (kg)
Male 2.405 2.508 2.660 2.524A 4.27 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.518
Female 2.258 2.271 2.432 2.320B
Mean 2.331b 2.389b 2.546a
FC Male 1.756 1.764 1.660 1.726B 4.18 0.020 0.004 0.504
Female 1.796 1.843 1.771 1.804A
Mean 1.776ab 1.803a 1.715b
Mean followed by a common letter, lowercase in the row and uppercase in the column, do not differ statistically according to the
SNK test (P > 0.05).
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Productive features of broiler chickens in hot weather: effects of strain and sex
In regions such as Southeast Piauiense,
characterized by high environmental temperatures,
producers who do not have air-conditioned sheds
need to prolong the duration of the birds in the
shed so that they reach the appropriate weight of
slaughter; when choosing a certain strain, it is
therefore necessary to know the FI and FC specic
for each genotype, and not only the WG and LW of
the birds.
Despite the similarity in FI between Hubbard
and Ross birds, the FC of the Hubbard birds was
4.9% higher than that of Ross birds, owing to the
WG superiority presented by the Hubbard birds.
Cobb birds presented a lower FI (5.2%) and WG
(8.5%) in relation to the Hubbard birds; however,
the FC of the birds of these strains was similar, as
well as between the Cobb and Ross strains.
The males presented higher FC (4.9%), WG
(8.9%), and LW (8.8%), and better FC (4.4%) than
that of females, independent of strain. Shin et al.
(2012), in a study with different broiler strains of
both sexes, also observed superiority in male LW
(20.6%) and a better FC (4.3%) than that of females,
suggesting males would be more suitable for
advanced slaughter age, when the goal is to market
live birds.
It was observed that none of the carcass traits
evaluated at 42 d presented a relationship (P > 0.05)
between strain and sex. However, independent
effects (P < 0.05) of strain and sex on CW, BY, and
TY were observed, with no effect (P > 0.05) of these
factors on CY and DY (Table 8).
At 42 d of age, Hubbard birds presented similar
CY to Ross birds, being 12.1% higher than the Cobb
strain, and there were no differences between Ross
and Cobb birds. However, Abdullah et al. (2010)
evaluated the carcass characteristics of the Hubbard,
Ross, and Lohman strains at 43 d, and found that the
Hubbard line presented a CY 10.0% higher than that
of the Ross strain.
The Cobb birds presented a BY that was higher
by 1.14% and 1.69% in relation to the Ross and
Hubbard birds, respectively. The Ross line presented
a 1.55% higher by than that of the Hubbard strain,
with the lowest BY. Scheuermann et al. (2003)
evaluated breast muscle growth in different
commercial broiler strains, and observed that birds
with higher BY had a longer period of muscle
deposition, thus increasing the weight and yield of
this muscle. The breast is considered an important
cut that corresponds to the highest proportion of
the broiler carcass, so that small differences in the
yields of this cut can be economically important.
Therefore, some poultry companies emphasize
breast weight and yield in their breeding programs,
to provide lineages that specically address the
industrial segments that prioritize BY, emphasizing
the importance of evaluating this characteristic in
studies with broiler chickens.
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Nascimento, do D. C. N. et al.
Table 8. Mean of carcass weight (CW), carcass yield (CY), breast yield (BY), thighs yield (TY), and drumstick yield
(DW) of different strains of males and females at 42 d of age.
Variable Sex
Strain (St) Probability
Cobb Ross Hubbard Mean CV (%) St S StxS
CW (kg) Male 1.73 1.90 1.95 1.86A 9.37 0.019 < 0.001 0.764
Female 1.55 1.62 1.72 1.63B
Mean 1.64b 1.76ab 1.84a
Male 72.67 72.08 72.47 72.407 2.30 0.386 0.781 0.240
Female 71.51 72.62 73.56 72.56
Mean 72.09 72.35 73.01
Male 34.45 32.79 31.37 32.87B 3.68 < 0.001 0.007 0.552
Female 35.02 34.45 32.77 34.08A
Mean 34.76a 33.62b 32.07c
Male 13.20 14.09 14.61 13.97A 3.99 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.062
Female 12.47 13.13 12.84 12.81B
Mean 12.83b 13.61a 13.73a
Male 13.78 14.49 14.34 14.203 7.88 0.481 0.165 0.467
Female 13.79 14.02 13.23 13.68
Mean 13.78 14.26 13.78
Mean followed by a common letter, lowercase in the row and uppercase in the column, do not differ statistically according to the
SNK test (P > 0.05).
Considering TY, it was observed that the
Hubbard and Ross birds were superior by 0.9 and
0.8%, respectively, to that of Cobb birds, presenting
similar TYs to each other. Marcato et al. (2008),
when comparing thigh growth between Cobb and
Ross strains up to 56 d of age, observed that Ross
birds presented higher thigh growth rates after 35 d
of age, with a higher weight of this cut at advanced
Males presented higher CY (14.1%) and TY
(1.16%), but lower BY (1.21%) values than those
of females, concurring with the study of López et
al. (2011), in which the females had a BY 0.75%
higher than that of males. At 49 d of age there was
no interaction (P > 0.05) between strains and sex for
the carcass traits evaluated, except for (P < 0.05) TY.
As at 42 d, the Hubbard strain presented a similar
CY to the Ross birds, being 11.6% superior that of
Cobb strain birds, and there were no differences
between the Ross and Cobb strains at 49 d. No
differences were observed in BY between the birds
of the Cobb and Ross strains, which were superior to
the Hubbard strain by 1.7% and 1.6%, respectively.
Both strain and sex were found to affect TY; males
of Hubbard birds presented the highest TY, which
were 1.57% and 1.83% higher than that in Cobb
and Ross strain males, which did not differ from
each other. Among the females, no differences were
observed in TY among the lines of the present study.
(Table 9).
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Productive features of broiler chickens in hot weather: effects of strain and sex
Table 9. Mean of carcass weight (CW), carcass yield (CY), breast yield (BY), thighs yield (TY), and drumstick yield
(DW) of different strains of males and females at 49 d of age.
Variable Sex
Strain (St) Probability
Cobb Ross Hubbard Mean CV (%) St S StxS
CW (kg) Male 1.81 1.96 1.99 1.92A 9.01 0.017 < 0.001 0.331
Female 1.63 1.62 1.85 1.70B
Mean 1.72b 1.79ab 1.92a
Male 75.31 75.00 76.89 75.73 4.56 0.635 0.681 0.523
Female 76.46 74.44 74.84 75.26
Mean 75.90 74.72 75.86
Male 33.04 33.43 31.22 32.56B 4.14 0.008 0.003 0.487
Female 34.81 34.15 33.22 34.06A
Mean 33.92a 33.79a 32.22b
Male 13.18Ab 12.92Ab 14.75Aa 13.62 4.86 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.046
Female 12.13Ba 12.41Aa 12.90Ba 12.48
Mean 12.65 12.67 13.83
Male 14.29 13.95 14.89 14.38A 5.86 0.050 0.002 0.961
Female 13.39 13.09 13.85 13.44B
Mean 13.84ab 13.52b 14.37a
Mean followed by a common letter, lowercase in the row and uppercase in the column, do not differ statistically according to the
SNK test (P > 0.05).
In contrast to the previous age, in which the
strains did not inuence DY, at 49 d the DY of
Hubbard strain birds was similar to that of the Cobb
birds and was 0.85% higher than that of the Ross
birds, with no differences between Ross and Cobb
strains. At 49 d, males had higher CY (11.5%), TY
(1.14%), and DY (0.94%) values than females;
however, BY was lower by 1.5% in females.
In general, the results showed that the Cobb, Ross,
and Hubbard strains presented different carcass
and performance characteristics, which increase
the complexity in choosing between the different
genetic groups. Therefore, knowing the way the
birds are sold, together with the environmental
conditions in which they will be kept, is essential
when choosing the strain and the sex.
The birds of the Hubbard strain under conditions
of high ambient temperatures showed enhanced
performance characteristics, especially in the
later periods, than the other strains. Therefore,
they could be attractive for commercial producers
of live chickens, although they are not yet in the
northeastern market for this purpose owing to the
white color of their legs. The performance of the
Hubbard strain in advanced ages reinforces the
discussion that birds with superior performance in
the pre-initial phase (1–7 d) do not necessarily reach
greater slaughter weight (42 or 49 d), as shown in
this study. However, the greater weight at slaughter
may not be attractive for markets that prioritize
cuts, since higher performances do not necessarily
translate to higher yields of cut, since Ross and
Cobb birds, despite inferior performance, presented
higher BY in relation to Hubbard birds, emphasizing
the importance of the type of commercialization or
production when choosing a certain strain or sex.
It is important to emphasize that the climatic
conditions in which the birds were reared in
the present study were different from those
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 39, n. 2, p. 731-746, mar./abr. 2018
Nascimento, do D. C. N. et al.
recommended by the strain manuals and thus we
observed that the performance of the birds also
differed from the reference values found in the
Broiler chickens of the different strains studied
presented performance data lower than the
reference values in their respective manuals when
submitted to thermal stress during the growth and
nishing period. The Hubbard Flex strain was
showed enhanced performance variables than the
other strains, and the Ross 308 and Cobb 500 strains
showed enhanced cut yields. The males showed
better performance and carcass characteristics than
females, except for BY.
We would like to thank ASA Alimentos,
CIALNE, and Granja Planalto LTDA for the
donation of the hatching eggs, and COAVE for the
incubation process.
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... In a study that evaluated the performance of broiler strains (Cobb 500, Ross 308, and Hubbard Flex) in hot weather, the Cobb and Ross strains showed at 49 days old the best breast yield, with the Hubbard strain having the greatest drumstick yield. Regardless of strain, the males showed superior performance to that of females [21] . Total body weight of Cobb-500 and Ross-308 on the first week was 207.40±14 gram and 196.00±16 gram respectively, a significant difference of weight gain (P<0.05) ...
Full-text available
The rapid weight gain and fast muscle growth due to intense genetic selection and improved nutrition for additional breast muscle in broiler commercial strains affect chickens health. In order to compare the main locomotive problems in broilers of Cobb and Ross strains, two pens from a commercial farm in Veracruz, Mexico were used. The first pen housed 16,500 males and 16,500 females of Cobb strain and the second one 16,500 males and 16,500 females of Ross strain. Chicks were checked for locomotion problems from day one until their sale. Animals with problems were recorded and necropsies were performed to identify the pathology. Out of 1406 animals with locomotive problems (2.13% of the total), 58.9% were Cobb and 41.1% Ross (P <0.05). The frequency of locomotive problems was 2.51% for Cobb and 1.75% for Ross. Most common individual lesions were osteochondrosis (38.61%), inflamed joints with purulent contents (37.13%), and valgus (19.65%). Locomotive problems appeared since the first week, but its number increased as birds gained weight, particularly from the fourth week on. Problems occurred more in males than in females and in Cobb birds than in the Ross strain. Economic loss due to locomotion problems was higher for the Cobb strain.
... For decades, those involved in the production chain of broiler chickens have been concerned with the potential for growth and body conformation of poultry, since these characteristics are related to the efficiency and profitability of the poultry sector. Genetic enhancements have resulted in the current broiler chicken strains, which are characterized by faster weight gain and better feed conversion [1]. Consumers demand of poultry products is on a constant increase, hence, influencing the commercial poultry husbandry to make significant changes [2] ultimately resulting in overall progress of the industry [3]. ...
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ackground: The present study was conducted to compare the growth performance and ultimately to calculate the profitability of the two locally available commercial strains of broiler (Ross 308 and Cobb 500). Methods: For the purpose of study, 900 number of day-old chicks (DOC) of each strain were purchased from the local market. The birds were reared in conventional broiler house with the provision of standard managemental conditions throughout the experimental period. The parameters recorded on weekly basis were feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and mortality. Results: Result shown that the total body weight of Cobb-500 and Ross-308 on 1 st week was 207.40±14 gram and 196.00±16 gram respectively and these result represented significant difference of weight gain (P<0.05) on 1 st week of experiment among both the strains. From 2 nd week of experiment till the last week (5 th week) the results shown the total body weight of Cob-500 and Ross-308 as 2180.4±38 gram and 2103.7±36 gram respectively which was non-significantly different (P>0.05) among the strains. Furthermore, significant difference of feed conversion ratio (FCR) was observed (P<0.05) among both the strains but from day 7 th till the market age weekly FCR of Cob-500 was significantly higher (P<0.05) than Ross-308. Comparatively high mortality (4.8±0.4%) was noticed in Ross broiler strain than Cobb broiler strain (3.7±0.4%). Conclusion: It was concluded from the current study that the Cobb-500 is performing better in conventional open housing system at high altitude than Ros-308. B Abstract ISSN 2310-5380/ February 2021
... Animal vocalisations are a fundamental component of animal behaviour, and can be used as useful indicators of the animal welfare state [1][2][3]. Heat stress is one of the most critical environmental stressors in poultry production worldwide [4]. The detrimental effects of heat stress on poultry range from reduced growth and egg production to decreased egg quality and safety [5,6]. ...
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Heat stress is one of the most important environmental stressors facing poultry production and welfare worldwide. The detrimental effects of heat stress on poultry range from reduced growth and egg production to impaired health. Animal vocalisations are associated with different animal responses and can be used as useful indicators of the state of animal welfare. It is already known that specific chicken vocalisations such as alarm, squawk, and gakel calls are correlated with stressful events, and therefore, could be used as stress indicators in poultry monitoring systems. In this study, we focused on developing a hen vocalisation detection method based on machine learning to assess their thermal comfort condition. For extraction of the vocalisations, nine source-filter theory related temporal and spectral features were chosen, and a support vector machine (SVM) based classifier was developed. As a result, the classification performance of the optimal SVM model was 95.1 ± 4.3% (the sensitivity parameter) and 97.6 ± 1.9% (the precision parameter). Based on the developed algorithm, the study illustrated that a significant correlation existed between specific vocalisations (alarm and squawk call) and thermal comfort indices (temperature-humidity index, THI) (alarm-THI, R = −0.414, P = 0.01; squawk-THI, R = 0.594, P = 0.01). This work represents the first step towards the further development of technology to monitor flock vocalisations with the intent of providing producers an additional tool to help them actively manage the welfare of their flock.
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Several broiler strains commonly used in the Middle East were evaluated for ferformance and carcass quality. In one experiment, the live body weight (LBW) and feed:gain ratio (FC) of three strains were studied at 21 and 49 days of age. The abdominal fat pad (AFP), percentage of AFP, and ready-to-cook (RTC) carcass were evaluated at 49 days of age. In another experiment, RTC carcass protein, moisture, and fat were determined for three other broiler strains. Experiment 1 showed that birds of the Arbor Acres (AA) strain were heavier and had FC values lower than those of the Hybro N (HN) and Hybro G (HG) birds at 21 and 49 days (P<.05). However, AA strain birds deposited more AFP than those of HN or HG strains. In Experiment 2, percent AFP of Ross (R) males was significantly lower than that of AA males. Although the performance of R, Lohman (L), and AA strains was similar, the R males yielded the highest percent RTC with a significantly higher carcass protein and lower carcass fat than those of AA males.
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Köppen's climate classification remains the most widely used system by geographical and climatological societies across the world, with well recognized simple rules and climate symbol letters. In Brazil, climatology has been studied for more than 140 years, and among the many proposed methods Köppen's system remains as the most utilized. Considering Köppen's climate classification importance for Brazil (geography, biology, ecology, meteorology, hydrology, agronomy, forestry and environmental sciences), we developed a geographical information system to identify Köppen's climate types based on monthly temperature and rainfall data from 2,950 weather stations. Temperature maps were spatially described using multivariate equations that took into account the geographical coordinates and altitude; and the map resolution (100 m) was similar to the digital elevation model derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. Patterns of rainfall were interpolated using kriging, with the same resolution of temperature maps. The final climate map obtained for Brazil (851,487,700 ha) has a high spatial resolution (1 ha) which allows to observe the climatic variations at the landscape level. The results are presented as maps, graphs, diagrams and tables, allowing users to interpret the occurrence of climate types in Brazil. The zones and climate types are referenced to the most important mountains, plateaus and depressions, geographical landmarks, rivers and watersheds and major cities across the country making the information accessible to all levels of users. The climate map not only showed that the A, B and C zones represent approximately 81%, 5% and 14% of the country but also allowed the identification of Köppen's climates types never reported before in Brazil.
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A total of 840 male and female birds of Lohman, Hubbard JV, Hubbard classic, and Ross strains were reared from day I to 43 to evaluate growth performance, carcass and meat quality traits as influenced by strain, gender, and age at slaughter. All birds were randomly distributed into three pens (35 chicks/pen) for each strain X gender group. At 8, 22, 36, and 43 days of age, 5 birds from each pen were randomly selected and slaughtered. Results showed that Hubbard classic birds had higher (P<0.05) final body weight, overall average daily gain, and most efficient overall feed conversion ratio. Males had higher (P<0.05) overall body weight, average daily gain, and feed intake when compared to females. Female birds had higher (P<0.05) breast cut percentage at 8, 22, and 36 days, and lower leg cut percentage at 22 and 36 days compared to males. Genotype influenced (P<0.05) abdominal fat percentage where Lohman strain had the highest percentage at all slaughter ages. Cooking loss percentage was higher (P=0.0524) for males than females and shear force values were influenced (P<0.05) by strain where meat from Ross was tougher than meat from any other strain, yet generally meat from all strains was considered to be tender. In conclusion, Hubbard classic birds are the most economic of the four strains investigated in this study by having higher growth performance than the other strains tested. However, dressing percentage and meat quality parameters were comparable among the four strains investigated.
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One hundred and eighty male Ross 1-d chicks averaging initial weight of 43.0 ± 0.2 g were used to evaluate the effects of different environments on performance and carcass characteristics. The experiment was analyzed as a completely randomized design with three environments (thermal comfort, dry heat and wet heat), six replicates of ten birds per experimental unity reared from 1 to 49 days old. Diets and water were fed ad libitum. The temperature and relative humidity control in each environment were measured by dry bulb and black globe thermometers. The values obtained were converted in a single value Black Globe Humidity and Temperature Index (BGHI) to characterize the environment. The temperatures that characterize the comfort, dry heat and wet heat were respectively: 25.1 ± 2.99, 35.0 ± 0.14, 31.2 ± 1.82ºC. The relative humidity recorded in dry and wet heat environments were respectively 40 and 75%. Feed intake, weight gain, feed:gain ratio in the periods from 1 to 21, 1 to 41 and 1 to 49 days of old were evaluated. In the end of the experiment, the birds were slaughtered for evaluation of absolute weights of noble cuts (thigh, drumstick and breast) and carcass yield. It was observed negative effect of heat environment on feed intake and weight gain in all periods and it was higher in birds on wet heat environment. Heat also influenced negatively absolute weights of thigh, drumstick and breast of birds. It was concluded that high temperatures impair the performance and yield of noble cuts of birds from 1 to 49 days old; in fact, these effects were higher with the greatest air relative humidity.
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The objective of this work was to study growth and body nutrient deposition profiles of male and female Cobb and Ross broilers using Gompertz equations. A total number of 1,920 one- to 56-day-old broilers were used. A randomized experimental design in a factorial arrangement (2 strains x 2 sex), with 4 replicates of 120 birds each, was applied. Diets were formulated to supply the nutrient requirements recommended by the genetic companies. A sample of birds was weekly weighed and sacrificed after 24 hours fasting. Carcasses were de-feathered and weighed again. The parameters of the Gompertz equation for body weight and its components (water, ashes, protein, and fat) were estimated. An interaction (p<0.05) between sex and breed was observed for mature weight (Wm) (kg), growth rate (b) (daily) and time at maximum growth rate (t*) (day) of body weight, and body water and ash. Cobb was presented earlier growth and body protein and ash deposition. Ross strain was superior in body water deposition.
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The industry trend toward early deboning of chickens has led to the need to explore the effect on meat quality, including the effects of strain and sex. An experiment was conducted using broilers of 4 different high-yielding commercial strains chosen because of their common use in big-bird production. Of each strain, 360 birds were commercially processed at 59, 61, and 63 d of age in 2 replicates per day. Breast fillets were harvested at 2, 4, and 6 h postmortem (PM). Muscle pH and instrumental color (L*, a*, and b*) were measured at the time of deboning and at 24 h PM. Fillets were cooked to 76°C and cook loss was calculated, followed by Meullenet-Owens razor shear (MORS) analysis. Muscle pH significantly decreased over time as aging before deboning increased. Furthermore, L* values significantly increased as aging time increased, with the fillets deboned at 6 h PM having the highest L* value, followed by 4 h, and then 2 h PM. After 24 h, the fillets deboned at 6 h still had the highest L* compared with those deboned at 2 or 4 h PM. Fillets from strain B had the highest L* values. Fillets deboned at 2 h PM had significantly higher cook losses and MORS energy (indicating tougher fillets) than fillets deboned at 4 or 6 h PM, but there was no difference in cook loss due to strain at any deboning time. Fillets deboned at 4 h PM also had higher MORS energy than fillets deboned at 6 h PM, and differences in MORS energy among the strains were observed at 4 h PM. There was no difference in instrumental color values or cook loss due to sex. However, fillets of males had significantly greater MORS energy (tougher fillets) when deboned at 2, 4, and 6 h PM than those of females. Results of this study suggest that deboning time, sex, and strain can affect meat quality in big-bird market programs.
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A randomized complete block design within a factorial arrangement of treatments was used to evaluate the effect of strain and sex on carcass characteristics, meat quality, and sensory acceptability. Two broiler strains were reared: a commercially available strain (strain A) and a strain currently in the test phase (strain B) that has been genetically selected to maximize breast yield. Broilers were harvested in a pilot scale processing plant using commercial prototype equipment at 42 d of age. Carcasses were deboned at 4 h postmortem. The left half of each breast was evaluated for pH, color, cooking loss, shear force, and proximate analysis. The right side of each breast was used for consumer acceptability testing. Thigh meat was evaluated for proximate composition. No interactions were observed throughout the study. Male broilers had a higher (P < 0.05) live BW, carcass weight, and breast weight and lower (P < 0.05) dressing percentage and breast meat yield when compared with females. Broilers from strain B presented a higher (P < 0.05) breast yield and dressing percentage than those broilers corresponding to the commercially available broiler strain. At 24 h postmortem, female broilers presented a lower ultimate pH and higher Commission internationale de l'éclairage yellowness values (ventral side of the pectoralis major) when compared with male broilers. On average, no differences existed (P > 0.05) among treatments with respect to pH decline, cooking loss, shear values, and proximate composition. In addition, no differences (P > 0.05) existed among breast meat from the different strains with respect to consumer acceptability of appearance, texture, flavor, and overall acceptability, but breast meat from strain B was slightly preferred (P < 0.05) over that of strain A with respect to aroma. However, breast meat from both strains received scores in the range of "like slightly to like moderately." Overall data suggest that all treatments yielded high quality breast and thigh meat and strain cross did not present variability in terms of consumer acceptability.
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In the Dutch poultry meat production chain, first week mortality (FWM) of the chicks is an important measure to quality and is therefore highly related to the price of the chicks that the broiler farm has to pay to the hatchery. Therefore, next to the total number of broiler eggs produced per hen and hatchability, this figure is often used as a measure of efficiency in the breeder-hatchery-broiler production chain. In this study, factors that are related to chick mortality in the first week at broiler farms were investigated. Field data obtained from 2 commercial Dutch hatcheries, for which 482 broiler farms voluntarily recorded FWM of 16,365 flocks of broiler chicks over the years 2004, 2005, and 2006, were analyzed. These represented 79% of the total number of day-old chicks delivered to separate broiler farms. First week mortality was significantly related to breeder age, egg storage length at the hatchery, season, strain, feed company of the breeder farm, year, and hatchery. Furthermore, FWM differed significantly between chicks originating from eggs of different breeder flocks and which were kept for grow-out at different broiler farms.
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High ambient temperature (AT) significantly depresses growth rate and meat yield of commercial broilers, thus making it a major factor hindering poultry meat production, especially in hot climates. The effects of high AT were variably moderated when feather coverage was reduced by the naked-neck gene (Na). In this study, the effects of high AT and Na were investigated in broiler progeny of hens from a sire line and two dam lines, differing in growth rate and meat yield due to different breeding histories. Heterozygous naked-neck (Na/na) males were mated with normally feathered (na/na) hens from the three lines. The 500 progeny were segregated for Na/na and na/na genotypes. After brooding, chicks of each maternal background, Na genotype, and sex were equally divided to two similar chambers and were reared on litter to 53 d of age. One chamber was set to normal AT, averaging 25 C; the second chamber was set to high AT, averaging 30 C. The high AT treatment reduced growth and meat yield in the progeny of all three groups. This reduction increased with age and was highest in the broilers produced by hens from a sire line bred for high growth rate and breast meat yield. The two other groups, produced by hens from selected and relaxed dam lines, differed in growth rate but were similarly affected by the high AT. It is suggested that the magnitude of the high AT effect depends not only on differences in potential growth rate but also on differences in overall genetic background. It was also shown that broiler performance in the final weeks could be improved by introducing the Na gene into commercial flocks. The advantage of the Na/na genotype was much more pronounced at high AT and in broilers with genetically higher growth rate and breast meat yield.