
Like many parents of San Mateo Union High School District students, I was concerned about the transition to full-fledged synchronous and asynchronous distance education. I must admit that I followed the preparation for the start of the school year with a bit of trepidation.

I am pleased to see how well things went during my high school senior’s first week at BHS, so I reached out to other parents of high school students, and received many positive responses about the education of their children. The teachers and administrators worked hard over the summer to prepare, and the effort paid off. The general response was how different the situation was from the spring semester, and there are many examples of innovative and engaging distance learning experience.

I know that the students, teachers, administrators and parents all want the children back in school as soon as possible, following the appropriate guidelines to ensure a safe and healthy educational environment. It is good to see how well the school year started, and I look forward to seeing how process evolves and improves in the near future.

Neal Kaufman


The letter writer is a candidate for a seat on the San Mateo Union High School District Board of Trustees.

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