
Digital Media Copyright Protection Technology in the Age of All Media

Conference paper
Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC, volume 1088)


With the development of technology in the information age, digital products are increasingly integrated into people’s lives. People enter a full-media era. However, digital media files are characterized by easy copying and rapid dissemination, resulting in a large number of Internet. Piracy and infringement issues, and even some documents involving confidential areas, have been stolen by lawless elements, seriously infringing on the intellectual property and economic interests of the file owners. This article briefly introduces what is digital media in the era of all-media, analyzes what is the key technology of digital copyright protection, and proposes a series of digital media copyright policy-keeping system architecture to protect the best interests of copyright owners.


All-media era Digital media protection Technology System architecture 



This work is supported by PhD research startup foundation of Jianghan University (Grant No. 1008-06610001,1008-06680001).


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© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020

Authors and Affiliations

  1. 1.School of Mathematics and Computer ScienceJianghan UniversityWuhanChina

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