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Sun, Jun. 15th, 2008, 10:13 pm
sihayab: "Prompt," sequel to "Proxy"

Title: Prompt
Author: Sihaya Black
Rating: PG-13
Sequel to Proxy
Many, many thanks (as always) go to lamardeuse, chickwriter and kassrachel for their excellent comments and suggestions for improving the story. Gracias, chicas!


John checked his watch as he jogged down the corridor. Just enough time . . .

His footsteps echoing in the hush, John turned into the lab, which was dark save for the beam of light illuminating Rodney. Hunched over his computer, Rodney didn’t look up, but his fingers stilled on the keyboard.

“Can it wait until morning?” he called, his voice flat.


“Oh. It’s you, Colonel.” Rodney’s eyes never left the screen, but he sighed, his shoulders slumping further.


Rodney raised his head, scowling, and John grinned.

“So, what won’t wait?” Rodney pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes for a moment. Then he lifted a cup, peered into it, and thumped it back down on the table. “If it’s going to take a while, I’ll need more coffee.”

John shook his head. “Time for bed. We’re going off-world tomorrow, and you need your rest.”


“It’ll wait ’til we get back, McKay.” John rubbed his jaw, dragged his fingers over his mouth, and clapped Rodney on the shoulder.


“Twelve.” Rodney looked grimly satisfied, as if he’d just proved an impossible theorem.

“What?” John’s heart stuttered.

“I said,” said Rodney, pushing away from the table, “‘twelve.’”

John swallowed, licked his bottom lip. Took a step back. Wished his heart would stop marching double-time through his chest. Wished he didn’t know how damned intelligent Rodney was. “Twelve what?”

The corner of Rodney’s mouth drooped, and his gaze dropped to the floor. “Twelve times you’ve touched me today.”

John tried to laugh. Hoped he didn’t look as busted as he felt. “You’re counting the times I’ve touched you?”

“Yes.” Rodney shrugged one shoulder. “Every day for the past three weeks you touch me twelve times. Every time you touch your mouth first. Three hundred and fifty two times.”

John opened his mouth. Closed it. Joined Rodney in studying the pattern on the floor.

Rodney made a little noise, a word swallowed stillborn, and turned back to his computer.

“And if I do?” John said quickly.

“How many total?”

John didn’t have to stop and think. “Three thousand, one hundred and forty four.”

“That long.” Rodney’s brows drew together. “Why?”

“Because.” John looked at him helplessly. “Because I want . . .” He didn’t have the words; he never had the words. Huffing out a breath, he shook his head, took another step back. “Forget it.”

“Colonel.” Rodney met John’s gaze. “John. I do, too.”


John pulled away and grinned. So his lips were raw from beard burn; he didn’t care. “Six.”

“Seven.” Rodney’s returning smile was definitely smug.

“Nope. Six.”

Rodney shook his head, cupped his hand around the back of John’s neck. “Count them again.”

John narrowed his eyes. “One and two: before we got here. Three: at the door . . .” He chuckled. “Damn, McKay. You’re right.”

“I know.” Rodney tugged him down into another kiss, and John went willingly.


John rolled over and stretched, trying to stifle his groan.

“Mmm?” Rodney stirred, sleepily glancing over his shoulder.

“Nothing.” Well-used muscles thrummed pleasurably. “Go back to sleep. I set the alarm.”

Rodney shifted closer, his warm, still slightly sweaty back pressing against John.

John rested his cheek against the nape of Rodney’s neck. Even though he didn’t have to hide it from Rodney anymore, he waited until Rodney’s breathing deepened and he fell back asleep. Then he pressed his lips lightly against Rodney’s shoulder.


Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 02:27 am (UTC)


Oh, hon, I love this so much. The edits make it absolutely perfect.

OH BOYS. \o/ \o/ \o/!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:35 pm (UTC)

Thank you for all your help, dear! You always add the necessary polish to my stories.

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 02:45 am (UTC)

Eeeeee! I'm thrilled with this follow-up.

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:36 pm (UTC)

Thank you so much!!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 02:53 am (UTC)

Oh, of course Rodney would notice! And I love that they argue about counting the kisses together. So adorable!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:37 pm (UTC)

Rodney can actually use his brain for more than science. (When properly motivated. ::g:: )

I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 03:04 am (UTC)

Oh YAY! I love the thought that Rodney started realizing John was touching him and probably observed him for quite a bit before discerning a pattern and then counting them up every time. This is very happy-making!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:39 pm (UTC)


Personally, I don't think Rodney is always as socially oblivious as he appears. He uses that obliviousness as a defense mechanism -- if he doesn't acknowledge a hurt, it won't hurt as much. Which is, of course, bullshit. ::g::

But I'm so pleased that you enjoyed the story!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 03:08 am (UTC)

Oh lovely. I enjoyed the first fic immensely, and this was a delightful sequel, because of *course* Rodney would notice. Yay. :)

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:39 pm (UTC)

Thank you so much!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 03:26 am (UTC)

Oh, I love that John can't help himself, still needs to hide them now and again. lovely!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:41 pm (UTC)

Old habits are hard to break, aren't they? It'll take John a while before he doesn't have to hide those extra kisses, I imagine.

I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the story!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 03:33 am (UTC)

This is wonderful. I love that Rodney notices a pattern of Sheppard's touching and starts keeping track. I loved Proxy and this is such a nice addition.

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:42 pm (UTC)

Thanks! I'm delighted that you enjoyed both stories!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 03:42 am (UTC)

John didn’t have to stop and think. “Three thousand, one hundred and forty four.”

Yay for the follow-up to this with Rodney noticing and shoulder kisses and ♥!!!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:45 pm (UTC)


I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 03:48 am (UTC)

eeeeeeee!!! *runs in excited circles*

The thing about McShep is that I don't know a couple more likely to actually *count* kisses. And we love that about them!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:46 pm (UTC)

::sits back and waits until you tire from running::

We do indeed! They are countin' fools, and that's so very appealing!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 04:02 am (UTC)

Eeeeeee! *makes high-pitched noises* John! Rodney! BOYS!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:47 pm (UTC)

::hands out earplugs::

I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!

::loves the boys, too::

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 05:46 am (UTC)

oh, lovely.

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:47 pm (UTC)

Thank you!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 07:18 am (UTC)

Lovely stuff!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:48 pm (UTC)

Thanks so much!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 08:52 am (UTC)

I am so pleased you wrote this wonderful sequel! I'm in my happy place now :-)

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:49 pm (UTC)

::joins you on the happy place sofa::

Thanks for your kind words!

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 09:05 am (UTC)

What a perfect follow-up. Of course Rodney would notice. :)

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:50 pm (UTC)

Thank you!

(And yes, Rodney's Big Brain is useful for more than Science. Bless his li'l droopy mouth!)

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 09:15 am (UTC)

Oh, happy day! I loved the other one and this just makes it all the more beautiful cause Rodney noticed too and just SO CUTE! And John's kept total count and he's still doing it at the end but with real kisses and just OHHH! Perfect! ^_^

Mon, Jun. 16th, 2008 01:52 pm (UTC)

Yay for Rodney's occasional forays into noticing social cues! And John sees so much of the world through math -- he has to keep count.

I'm delighted that you enjoyed it!