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GTA Online: new sports cars, Dropzone mode go live

As Rockstar hints at Valentines update next month


A new adversary mode and two new sports car and mods have been added to GTA Online.

The two new vehicles are the Karin Sultan and the Bravado Banshee. Both can be bought via the Benny's Original Motor Works website in-game, and upgraded and modded to wide-bodied sports cars.



Rockstar reckons once upgraded the Sultan and the Banshee will be on a par with the Zentorno and the T20. We'll see about that.

Also new today is the Drop Zone adversary mode. Players parachute from a Cargobob and must secure a location while under heavy fire from enemies.

You can expect a double RP and $ weekend soon.

And it looks like you're getting a Valentine's day update too, with rockstar promising: " keep an eye on GTA Online next month for some items you’re sure to fall in love with..."

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