Commended to the Grace of God

Acts 14:19-28

May 18, 1997


I. There are hazards in being messengers of the gospel (vv. 19-20)


Contrast with v. 11-18; note:  had they only wanted to appeal to the will they had the perfect opportunity - but that was unthinkable to Paul.  They wanted understanding first.


1. Due to enmity in natural man

- Animosity toward the gospel

- Hatred toward God (some manifest, some hidden)

- Ignorance of darkened minds (Jim Elliot - Auca Indians)

2. So that the messengers might be trained

- Discipline from God's hand (sovereignty)

- Lessons in trust and dependence

- Experience of grace (v. 26 - they had been commended [perfect passive] to the grace of God

II. There are tribulations for all who continue in the faith (vv. 21-22)


They returned to the cities of their persecution - this gave them a large measure of credibility with these young believers.  Now, they indeed could encourage them. 


1. Suffering, trials, adversity, and opposition are the common lot of believers

- Never think we are immune to these things

- Consider the evidence in the New Testament

- Consider the greatest periods of Christian expansion

- "Fight the good fight," I Timothy 1:18

- "Suffer hardship with me as a good solder of Christ Jesus," II Timothy 2:3

- "If we endure, we shall also reign with Him," II Timothy 3:12

- "And indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be presented," II Timothy 3:12

- "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your 

   testing, as though some strange thing was happening," I Peter 4:12

2. God is faithful to bring His people through

- Thus Paul had confidence to strengthen and encourage

- Challenge for the battle - encourage

3. We begin in grace and continue in grace

"...they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed" literally, to place before.


III. Therefore, we must be careful of the foundation and structure we establish in the church and the work of missions


1. The church must be built with true disciples (v. 21)


Note - preached the gospel and made disciples

Note - It was out of trying circumstances that these people came to faith in Christ; i.e. it was not popular.  Beware of popular Christianity (there's always something missing in it, e.g. 60's and 70's).


2. The church must be built upon sound doctrine and faithful teaching (vv. 21-22)


3. The church must be structured for oversight (v. 23)

Local leadership and plural leadership


4. The church can and must depend upon the Lord (v. 23)

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