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Spamhaus DNSBL Datafeed
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DNSBL Usage Terms
Datafeed Service
Datafeed FAQs
Professional DNSBL service for professional users.

The Spamhaus DNSBL Datafeed is a service
for users with professional DNSBL query requirements, such as corporate networks and ISPs. It offers both a Query service and an Rsync service (you can choose).

Datafeed Query Service is extremely rapid to set up, it provides realtime access to a private network of Spamhaus DNSBL servers and uses traditional DNS queries so mail server configuration is very simple and straight forward.

Datafeed Rsync Service provides rapid data synchronizations between Spamhaus DNSBL servers and local servers on client networks.

The Datafeed service is supplied as a yearly subscription, with a Service Level Agreement and Technical Support. Pricing is based on the total number of Email Users your organization provides email service for. You can also try the service completely free for 30 days before agreeing to purchase it.

To check the price for your organization or to apply for a Datafeed, see the Datafeed website:

Go to the Datafeed Website

Datafeed is a dedicated data service sold and supplied only by Authorized Datafeed Vendors, independent contractors of Spamhaus Technology, authorized by The Spamhaus Project to provide managed access to Spamhaus DNSBL data. It is not possible to contract this service from or with The Spamhaus Project. You only need the Datafeed service if you are a heavy user, corporate, ISP or commercial network. If you are a small network with low email traffic you probably do not need this service. See Spamhaus DNSBL Usage Terms for eligibility information.
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