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A browser extension enhancing GitHub's search bar with autocomplete

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Give instant search capabilities to Github


Top public repositories

Instantaneously jump to the most popular repositories. After the first keystroke.

Last users

Last active users

Search for users by name, company or login. Never use Google to search a profile again.

Private repositories

Your private repositories

Securely search in your private repositories and issues connecting your GitHub account.


About 15,000,000 public repositories

We're active supporters of open-source projects. We love sharing our code with the community and are excited to provide you a way to navigate through all of those repositories. Instantly.

About 7,000,000 public contributors

We are using GitHub a lot while interviewing tech candidates. Searching for a profile by name, login or company has never been simpler. Brilliant.

Your own private repositories

We securely index your private list of repositories, bringing Algolia's instant search experience to your day-to-day work. OAuth2 FTW.

More than 67,000,000 issues created

Like you, we're developers. And like you, we create bugs... Being able to quickly jump to an issue of your projects is a game changer. Never lose productivity while fixing bugs. Ever.

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Algolia provides a developer-friendly SaaS API for database search. It enables any website or mobile application to easily provide its end-users with an instant and relevant search. With Algolia's unique find as you type experience, users can find what they're looking for in just a few keystrokes.

Feel free to give Algolia a try with our 14-days FREE trial at Algolia.