An illustration in Harper’s Weekly, titled ‘The Yellow Peril’ (1895), comes with an exhortation: ‘Nations of Europe! Join in the defence of your faith and your homes!’
An illustration in Harper’s Weekly, titled ‘The Yellow Peril’ (1895), comes with an exhortation: ‘Nations of Europe! Join in the defence of your faith and your homes!’
Michael Keevak


On Reflection by Michael Keevak

The Chinese were white – until white men called them yellow

  • Europeans referred to East Asians as white until the end of the 18th century
  • But as the Chinese and Japanese resisted cultural assimilation they darkened – both in Western eyes and their own

An illustration in Harper’s Weekly, titled ‘The Yellow Peril’ (1895), comes with an exhortation: ‘Nations of Europe! Join in the defence of your faith and your homes!’
An illustration in Harper’s Weekly, titled ‘The Yellow Peril’ (1895), comes with an exhortation: ‘Nations of Europe! Join in the defence of your faith and your homes!’