Is UHT milk as nutritious as chilled milk?

Like chilled milk, long life or UHT milk is a rich source of essential nutrients and provides the same great health benefits.

Last updated 30/04/2021

UHT (ultra heat treatment) milk contains the same nutrients as chilled milk - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin, zinc, vitamins A and B12, magnesium, carbohydrate and protein. Nutrient losses that occur during the production of UHT milk (pasteurisation) are minimal. When compared with chilled milk, long life milk has only slightly lower levels of thiamine, vitamins B12 and B6 and folate.

Conventional pasteurisation to produce UHT milk is a physical process (nothing is added or removed) that heats milk to 140°C for two seconds, which is then packaged aseptically. This destroys any harmful bacteria and micro-organisms and extends the shelf life.

See also: Is calcium depleted in UHT milk? 

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