A better planet with every search

The simplest way to plant trees and be climate active every day

trees planted by the Ecosia community

Make the switch to Ecosia

Add the extension for quick searches

No need to visit the Ecosia website. Plant trees with searches typed directly into your address bar or the search bar shown on a new tab.

Watch your impact grow

Track your tree-planting progress and explore your impact on ecosystems and communities.

Make greener choices faster

See which companies lead to a greener world.

Where are your trees being planted?

We plant in 35+ countries with local organizations

Our tree planting approach

We restore and protect biodiversity hotspots

Instead of monocultures, we grow over 500 different native species where they are needed most. Always shoulder-to-shoulder with local communities.

Trees planted by the Ecosia community

  • 20 million

    people using Ecosia

  • 900+


  • 35+

    countries involved

  • 70+

    active projects

Discover all projects

Monthly financial report

Ecosia’s revenue in August 2022

Our monthly financial reports show exactly how much ad revenue your searches have brought in, and how much we are spending on trees.
See our financial reports

total income this month

Why choose Ecosia?

What we stand for

  1. 100% of profits for the planet

    We use all our profits for climate action, with at least 80% financing tree-planting projects around the world.

  2. Your privacy comes first

    We don't create a profile of you or sell your personal details to advertisers. We want trees, not your data.

  3. Radically transparent

    Stay in the loop about our latest tree-planting projects, how much money we've made from your searches, and how we've spent it. No secrets, no greenwashing.

  4. Beyond neutral

    Our solar panels produce enough energy to power your searches twice over, meaning more renewables (and fewer fossil fuels) in the energy grid.

Join 20 million people growing the right trees in the right places

trees planted by the Ecosia community