Weather in Cochabamba

Weather at this moment in Cochabamba, Bolivia
The Weather in Cochabamba, Bolivia

Located in the center of Bolivia, Cochabamba has an average temperature of 20 degrees Celsius (68 degree Fahrenheit), is surrounded by fields of crops and valuable pre-Inca ruins, it retains its colonial charm.


It has a population of approximately 517,024 inhabitants is situated on the banks of the Tunari River, the city lies in a fertile and productive land at 2570 meters above sea level (8,472 feet). It has a pleasant climate, typical of the valleys.

Bolivia is located in the southern hemisphere and so the cold season (autumn and winter) go from May to September and the hot season (spring and summer) from October to April, its also considered the rainy season. 

Average Temperatures and rain precipitation in Cochabamba, month by month

The Seasons in Cochabamba, Bolivia


Spring weather in Cochabamba, Bolivia: Spring weather is mildly hot and fair, with some rains. The spring season in Cochabamba goes from Sep 21st to Dec. 21St with an average High of 21.3 C (70 F) and an average Low of 3.7 C (39.3 F). 


Summer weather in Cochabamba, Bolivia: Summer weather is mildly hot and fair, with some rains. The summer season in Cochabamba goes from December 21st to March 21St with an average High of 18.7 C (66 F) and an average Low of 5.7 C (42.7 F).  


Fall weather in Cochabamba, Bolivia: Fall weather is fair. The fall season in the Cochabamba goes from March 21st to June 21St with an average High of 19 C (66 F) and an average Low of 0.7 C (37.7 F).


Winter weather in Cochabamba, Bolivia: Winter weather is fair, but cooler than the other seasons, it’s considered the dry season. Winter season in the Cochabamba goes from June 21st to September 21St with an average High of 18.3 C (66 F) and an average Low of 0.3 C (30 F).


See table above for additional reference.



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Local time in Bolivia

Weather Facts of Cochabamba, Bolivia


  • Cochabamba has an average rain fall of 482.5 millimeters (19.01 inches) per year.
  • On average, the warmest month is November.
  • The average coolest month is July.
  • February is the average wettest month.
Current weather conditions and 3 day forecast for Cochabamba
Satellite view of the weather in Cochabamba (for the last 8 hrs.) 

Weather Channel Map

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Best season to visit Cochabamba


The dry season is best time to travel to Cochabamba (from May to October) due to the better road conditions, generally sunny skies and warm temperatures during the day but cold during the night. Weather in Cochabamba is pleasant year round so certainly your trip will be a success.


Travel to most regions of Bolivia is certainly possible year round, but you have to have in mind that during the rainy season (December to March) normally some dirt roads become flooded and it could take sometime until tractors clear them, this is certainly true on  the Amazon region, on the north and west side of the country.
