Benchmarks on lossless data file compression software comparisons

Lossless data compression software benchmarks / comparisons

Maximum Compression's goal is to show the maximum achievable data compression ratio for several filetypes (text, executable, jpeg etc). The best programs for every filetype are compared in a table indicating compression ratios and switches/options used to achieve that compression (SFC). Every program will only be listed once (with the switches yielding the highest possible compression ratio for that test/file). I prefer command line (console) compression programs over GUI ones.

If you are looking for more realistic data like efficiency and (de)compression speed of lossless compression software have a look at the Multiple file compression test benchmarks (MFC). The MFC benchmark lists performance comparisons of nearly all known archivers. The MFC test set consists of dozens of different files types (totaling 510 files, 300+ MB).

If you know of an (experimental) program not listed here or know of a switch combination yielding better results than the one listed please let me know!. Also general improvement suggestions are welcome, simply write an entry in the Guestbook (temporary unavailable).

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Single file compression (SFC)
Text English text 1995 CIA World Fact Book (2.9 Mbyte)
Logfile traffic log file (20 Mbyte)
Sorted Word-list Alphabetically sorted English word-list (4 Mbyte)
Executable EXE Acrobat Reader 5.0 executable (3.7 Mbyte)
DLL Microsoft Office 97 Dynamic Link Library (3.6 Mbyte)
Graphics BMP (Bitmap) 1356x1020 pixels (4 Mbyte)
JPG/JPEG 1152x864 pixels / 16.7 million colors (823 Kbyte)
Other data HLP Delphi First Impression OCX Help file (4.0 Mbyte)
DOC Occupational Health and Safety; MS Word file (4.0 Mbyte)
PDF Macromedia Flash MX Manual; Adobe Acrobat document (4.4 Mbyte)
Summary Summary Summary of all single file compression tests and best overall programs.
Multiple file compression (MFC) - including (de)compression times
Multiple Large file collection Several filetypes (510 files, 301 Mb in total). Ranked on compression ratio.
Large file collection Several filetypes (510 files, 301 Mb in total). Ranked on efficiency.
Large file collection Several filetypes (510 files, 301 Mb in total). Ranked on compression time.
Large file collection Several filetypes (510 files, 301 Mb in total). Ranked on decompression time.
Links / Other
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